Morgana sneered, [b]"Nuhuh, you only get stomach aches for not eating enough."[/b] Not that she knew that, but she only'd ever had her stomach hurt due to not eating. Besides this was all you can eat, it'd be stupid not to take advantage of it. Her attention flickered to Charles. Dragon time, more magic and some sort of studying. Ugh, it probably wouldn't be that bad. Morgana finished off her food with a contented sigh. Being full was such an odd feeling and not an unpleasant one at that. With that she headed back up to her room and moved next to her dragon egg and stared at it. Spend time with it hm? How exactly? Just sit next to it and do nothing? It wasn't like they could do pet bonding things given it was still in the egg. While thinking she reached out with her marked hand and slowly rubbed it. It was oddly soothing and Morgan found her thoughts slowing. In another few moments she slowly, without really thinking about it, created a thin veil of aura around herself and the egg. Morgana remained like this, slowly taking silent, calm breaths while slowly moving her hand back and forth across the egg, in some between a coma and meditation.