[@MelonHead] You are biased. That you have made clear but its not something I take offense to. Usually negative views on high tier combat derive from bad past experiences. I assume you had many and its very common since its so easy to abuse them. I've played against characters who can manipulate matter. It's pretty fun under the right rules but I digress. I also enjoy hand to hand and "semi realistic" styles of fighting and I can see the pleasure in both. While lower tiers of combat require more understanding of the physical limits of the human body it doesn't compare to the overall amount of knowledge needed to fight competently when large scales of powers are involved. Someone could be throwing Psuedo science at you in one fight and then testing your ability to counter fantasy magic in another. It is simply the more unpredictable and entertaining experience in my opinion. I'm not trying to debate over specific examples due to myself being on a phone currently but I'd be more than happy to introduce you to some of the themes I've worked with and how they can be used to tell stories which lower powers cannot necessarily replicate. Maybe we can even have a spar later on.