[quote=@Liaison] [@MelonHead]Your entire demeanor is that of someone who has had bad experiences(or at least seen a few?) and you allude to that even in your previous statement but I’ll take your word for it that you haven’t had many. I will say this however. Whether you personally see a style of fighting as completely pointless due to your own experiences is entirely irrelevant. You essentially say that you do not personally take high tier bouts seriously and that’s fine. Just don’t try to justify the reason to why as it can’t be done any other way. It’s somewhat lazy and disrespectful to people who put in the effort to play and participate in stories that involve those level of feats. [/quote] It would be irrelevant if I didn't explain in a fashion you haven't actually refuted why I believe its pointless. You just told me 'actually you do need to know all that stuff to fight at such an advanced level.' Why do you need an advanced knowledge of physics at higher power levels? Characters at this level by their very nature bend and break the laws of physics, they are naturally outside of it. Give me an example of how your advanced knowledge of physics has allowed you to gain a credible advantage in a fight at higher levels? How do you determine the skill of two competitors at a level of combat where there is no reasonable way to ground the fight in real world logic? In the real world, people have a set number of limbs, gravity acts upon them, there are only certain moves that work, there is a limited time-frame in which they can act, react, there are restrictions on their sensory capacity. You could reward someone for effectively using cover, for blinding an opponent, for misdirection. There is no way to do these things at a level of power where human physical restrictions are completely non-existent, this is the level of power I refer to as 'shit' for determining skill in combat. Every character at this level can sense actions around them, they use magic rather than physical actions, they are not reliant on restrictive biological sensory capacity, and more importantly, they have a range of magical powers they can pull from that offers them a solution to almost every problem they can encounter with a flick of their wrist. [quote] If you box in characters as shit because you personally do not see it possible to play them at a high skill that is entirely on you. They take skill, knowledge of physics, logic (especially) and forethought, just a type you are not currently aware of or maybe had the pleasure of being introduced to. They are not how you stated often “Shit.” Then again, if that’s what you normally see it’s not my place to tell you that’s not what you have been exposed to because that’s possible as well. [/quote] It's not just I that do this, if you were to actually look, you'd find a vast number of people are critical of characters at higher power levels when they are made the 'main character' or the 'hero'. The main example, Superman, most people consider his power-set the worst thing about him as a character. There's a good reason why Batman is widely preferred to Superman, and it's not just because he appeals to everyone's inner edge-lord. They like the fact that he is human, and out-thinks his opponents (with a little bit of plot convenience, of course.) And I agree with them, Batman is the more interesting character because he does have to think his way through problems that Superman can lazer through, punch through, fly through, tank out, freeze, whatever. Anyway, as I said, my opinion, but not an uncommon one either.