[quote=@Doc Doctor] [@MelonHead] Perhaps this is all just conjecture based upon our own personal experiences. For me and from what I've seen, low tier fights end more quickly on the whole. But, go back and read what I said more closely. You're missing the point I'm getting at, nay, skipping entirely over it. If you catch my drift, then mayhaps if you want to, your next post can address what I had actually been typing. [/quote] I think maybe you missed what I was saying, also. What I'm getting at is that it's all relative, superheroes shrug off blows from other superheroes, humans shrug off blows from other humans, neither fight has to end with only a very brief exchange of blows, superheroes can also manifest powers of greater lethality than weapons humans conventionally use to overcome supernaturally durability. Humans compensate with tools, if you give a human a knife to end a fight quicker, you should give the other a chain vest. All things being equal. [b]It's all relative.[/b] 'People tend to be just as durable as they need to be for the most satisfying cinematic or narrative experience.' True at any power level.