[quote=@Liaison] Here is a brief description of Molecular Dissipation. It is the ability to cause solid objects to lose their molecular cohesion by absorbing the energy within their atomic bonds. Thus making objects disappear. My character didn’t have the ability to do that with his body so I added it to an external force, a projectile. [/quote] In other words, you had a dick-waving contest, seeing as how that concept is entirely pseudo-science. Your knowledge of physics was generally irrelevant. You could have just as easily have said your character can fire rounds that displace what they hit from existence, seeing as how the end result is exactly the same. You've just buttered it up to seem somehow less overpowered. For example, how did the rounds contain that much energy over such a brief period of contact? What could possibly stop such a projectile, isn't it non-interactive by its very nature? How did you avoid immediately causing your own weapon to disappear when you fired said bullet (i'm assuming it was a firearm, it could have just been your hand or something, but same logic applies)? How did you stop the bullet absorbing so much energy on route that it exploded? [quote] I assure you all the rules you apply in lower tier fights are the same as high. Here’s what I mean. The simple rules of no Godmoding, Metagaming and Powergaming still apply. Its not like they disappear. You cant control another person character, the amount of damage they take is on them unless you have a logical claim and you cant just overpower and demean others peoples powers because you think you’re “stronger” everything is logic based still. In the case of the armor he couldn’t say his armor would just deflect it because I provided a logical counter which forced him lose faith in his armor and have to evade out of fear of taking lethal blows. [/quote] Those general rules apply, but none of the things that actually allow you to determine what actions are possible and impossible do anymore. In my mind, your character is already metagaming if he managed to put together this round apparently for the first time that can in theory penetrate any defence that anyone could conceivably concoct. Did he try and fail to pierce the armour at first? Did he know that its only weakness was the super reality warping round of doom? [quote] Superman has no personality so of course he’s boring. [/quote] Actually, Superman's personality is one of the few things that make him interesting. His challenges mostly come from the fact that unlike Batman, he actually aspires to be Heroic. He embodies the concept of a superhero more thoroughly than Batman ever will, because he tries to be a symbol and inspire people to do good, where-as Batman only cares about punishing those who do bad. He's boring because people like to see people overcome physical adversity, they don't like their all-american heroes being confounded by moral issues, they want them to fight through the pain and beat down the British bad guy, throwing him from the tower with a 'yippy ka-ye motherfucker' [quote] I prefer Batman was well but that has nothing to do with Clark Kent. With your logic the comic the Infinity Gauntlet would be as uninteresting as it could be, no? It is entirely possible powerful beings can have extensive back stories and lore’s that would be a pleasure to read.(Ex:Darkseid & Dormammu) Also even characters like Galactus, The Living Tribunal and Thanos have losses at the end of the day as well. Strength is not a indicator of less interesting themes. [/quote] None of those characters are heroes, you don't want to relate to them, you want to fear them or hate them and be glad they die. Its pretty common in a narrative sense to make the big-bad big-tough big-big sai. Also, in most cases when you explore the backstory of an incredibly powerful character, you're usually experiencing their road to becoming that strong. I can't think of many enjoyable stories that involve a character powerful as fuck from the get go. [quote] In addition lets take into account that when Superman fights opponents such as Doomsday, Darkseid and Mongul those tend to be extremely interesting bouts and those beings have vast wells of power. Its because the villians are examples of interesting high powered beings. Lets go back to Darkseid. I find his backstory to be really interesting because he like many rp characters I’ve seen grew to that strength. It was a progress. A lot of these extremely powerful RP characters I’m referring to have become stronger from assets they acquired from thread to thread in one continuing story. Anyways, I’m about done going back and forth (at least for now). I just wanted to give an alternate view point to the high powered bashing that was going on because I think it would be good if both forms of fighting thrived here. I really mean that. A healthy debate hurts no one at the end of the day. [/quote] Those fights are great to read and watch, they're always explosive and fun spectacles, but I can't think of any time where I've been impressed by some tactical move or strategic element employed within them. And comic heroes and villains tend to be better balanced than higher tier characters actually are in Arena, they are usually far narrower in scope than the characters with answers to everything, like your reality warping bullets. No hate, I appreciate the debate, just saying why I think there's some skill lost in higher tier battle. I can't remember exactly why this discussion started. Still, nothing breathes life into this place like me picking fights with everyone, so I thought I'd give it a new lease for a bit.