I've fallen back into One Punch Man and I can't get up - anyways here's the prompt. [hider=Titans Making Modern Art][code]> HULL DAMAGE 27%. DISENGAGE > NOCICEPTOR.exe > PAIN RECEPTORS OFFLINE > > RUNNING DIAGNOSTICS . . . > RIGHTHBLST.EXE OFFLINE > ACROMIOCLAVICULAR.SYNTH DAMAGED > BICEPBRAC.SYNTH OFFLINE > SYNOVIALHIN.SYNTH OFFLINE[/code] Genos blinked through about fifteen or so prompts telling him the specifics of his missing arm and damaged torso. He knew. He knew it was missing. Command didn't have to tell him. [code]> CLS > > TROUBLESHOOTING . . . > CASUALTY MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDED[/code] The cyborg grit his teeth and ignored the warnings flashing across his interface. Impacted into the inner wall of an exposed in apartment building while the demon-level threat just outside wrecked havoc in City C, the only reason he hadn't moved yet was to re-evaluate the situation. The monster was about 6.1 meters tall and - on an estimate based on the crater in the concrete its stumble backwards left - around 29,500 kilo, humanoid if not for an unfortunate face that looked like it had been plagiarized from Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son. Genos had been holding well on his own, predicting hits before they could land and making every blast count. It was a struggle to work between Saitama-sensei's conflicting directives - climbing the S-Class ranks and keeping himself in one piece during fights. It had not been easy and Genos was not patient by nature, but there had been progress - in twenty-three fights in six weeks, he hadn't received any compromising damages. ...Until now that was. Metal Bat had swung hard at the monster's kneecaps and it came down hard, wild gray hair bouncing as it landed in seiza. Genos would have smiled - Metal Bat even laughed - but in the next second, enraged, it let out a scream that shattered every window on the city block and had the other S-Class with hands over his ears, scowling, and the cyborg off his game. That was all it took to be smacked into the third floor of a crumbling building. [b]"Worthless, craven Men of the Bronze Age,"[/b] the monster bellowed, and a scorned Genos worked hard not to launch himself back into the fight without thinking. [b]"You will rue this insolence when the First Race re-inherits the earth! We are your Fathers and your Gods - my brothers and I, the Titans! Submit to me, Menoetius, or suffer my wrath!"[/b][/hider] Yeah I bs'd the technobabble by googling DOS commands, sue me. Anyways, I'm down for pretty much anything as long as I can play Gen and it's off RPG - like skype or discord or something. I'm eighteen and and I usually write about 75 words per reply, but as you can tell it varies. I'll do M/M and M/F (and F/F, for that matter, but like I said I'd like to play Genos. Maybe in genderbend AU?) but the plot doesn't have to focus on romance. If there's anything else you want to know, just ask. Reply to this thread if interested or hit me up: skype - [color=6ecff6]apocalick[/color] discord - [color=8882be]entropsy#8409[/color] tumblr - [url=http://dapper-dan-man.tumblr.com/]dapper dan man[/url]