[@Eviledd1984] When Crystal heard call back to her saying he need help she walked over to the room he had gone into. "What did you need my help with James" Crystal asked. [@Nikki Moonlight] As Crystal was heading into the room to help James she say Her killer trotting over to LInda as she held her hand out to him to pet him. KIller has always been a good judge in character and he would have alerted me if he had not liked any of the new people. [@DriveEMOut][@Patient 43Delta] "Trust me Levi if you think I would not take caution just because I have not had anything happen then you wrong I whats out there and I have taken cautionary measures and just because you can not see them does not mean they are not there now relax get some sleep we leave in the morning to head out to this safezone." Crystal through the door of where she was helping James.