[Hider=Effect] Brannor expends one of his Hit Dice to regain [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1308]6[/url] hit points. He has returned to his full 12 hit points.[/hider] The provision of time in between the conflict, the brief lull, was all he needed to recover his strength and rise again in a second wind. The bite of the monsters' steely blades was just a memory now, just as was the slaying arrow he would have suffered; what arrogance they had to hunt him as one would an animal. The satisfaction of hewing them apart with the engraved blade of the greatsword was what his spirit fed on, the rush of righteous vengeance - the rake of nature's fury. It was nourishment as much as the water he had been granted, drunk from a small carved wooden bowl. Many men would demand wine or ale, but such pleasant rewards would be saved for victory... which they first needed to claim. Returning the edge of the dish to his lips, he finished another downing of the water, keeping to himself and allowing the men of the keep to perform their duties. Had not the faintest what the few remaining soldiers were to do in all honesty, having not seen a city under siege let alone by dragon and its underlings. One man of dwarven descent however, with a wildly unkempt beard and loudly clattering keys, entered among the other soldiers, the man, the half orc and the halfling - clearly of some other caliber and duty. [i]"We had just figured how we could get you out when the enemy had the same idea for getting in... The Old Sally port has been breached! The initial rush has been repelled, but if you could join us in an attempt to block the route just in case the message managed to spread in their ranks... it would be most appreciated."[/i] Brannor knew not what a "sally port" was or where the thing would even be located in a castle or keep, but he knew enough that the enemy moved first as they all expected. He set down the bowl beside him, rubbing the thick of his strong hands to one another; they, just as the rest of him, were cleanse now, wiped away of the grit and the conflict. He had done so prior to eating and again after, careful to reuse what little spare water they permitted for it. It was then he was taking up the greatsword by its leather bound grip from its resting place on the wood bench beside him, standing to fullest. At first he said nothing as he looked to Escobert the Red, giving only a nod of understanding, but added thereafter in word too. "Then show us the way, if you would." Brannor plainly said as he looked over their company, eager in spirit to see these things through on this night. The hunt was far from over and he would be damned if he would willingly surrender an opportunity to strike back again against the enemy's brashness. [@Phoenix][@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]