[@Dark Light][@Snarfulblast][@ineffable] Carefully turning the pages of his book koru scanned the pages for anything that might resemble instruction on how one might construct a paper doll, one hand sifting through his spell components for the straw needed. His brow furrowed as he came closer to section that appeared to have a large amount of pages torn out, he had no rare collection of what or who had done this to his book or what may have been written there. Hesitating to turn past the torn section he reached for his wine, downing it all quickly and flipping pass with while he wasn't looking directly at it. The sight of regular notes on the other side where a little more comforting if not a little harder to read. The old hand writing was harder to read both due to age and the quality of the handwriting itself, much to his joy what he hoped were instructions on making a straw doll were there. unlike his notes now these instructions had been messily packing into a corner of the page making them much harder to comprehend. Gently he began to shape the stalks of grain into shape, though the more more he tried to hold it in place thew more the straw began to slide and shift out of place. His clumsy hands would try again and again to mold the straw into shape. A several broken shoots later he was about to put the finishing touches on the doll a loud and sudden shouting came from behind him causing him to jump and release his grip on the soon to be doll that now fell back into its components. Koru looked upon the ruins of what should have been a simple task, he couldn't help but lament how much easier this would have been if the straw was still alive and not the dried out husk that lay before him. He put his head in his hands and began massaging his face, he could decide if he was more relieved or hurt when the barman offer the girl one of their own Straw dool then wait for him to finish. When the barman returned he would probably order something a lot stronger to massage his wounded pride.