[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Auz simultaneously turned into the direction of Xavier's swing, stepped back, and thrust out his straight sword. Auz had stabbed at Xavier before, and Xavier had managed to evade the attack with naught but a scratch. This time Auz had somehow become considerably faster. What's more, he wasn't aiming for Xavier's torso. Auz's blade jutted out to meet Xavier's right forearm as he swung the greatsword. Xavier might end up impaling his own arm with the momentum of his swing. As Auz's target was nearer, he'd have the advantage in reach. His opponent's greatsword could wind up missing entirely as it sailed well beneath Auz's outstretched right arm. Should Auz succeed in stabbing Xavier, then immediately after he'd draw back his longsword, rush in, and swing the heavy pommel down at Xavier's face.[/i]