"Yeah, I like it, we hit em from two sides, they'll have to splinter their force to deal with it. Of course their numbers are bolstered by the local insurgents, Valverde. The one danger of approaching from the jungle is the very real possibility that they've mined it. Recon'll sort that out, of course, and we'll shift the plan as needed. I feel it's important to re-state that we won't engage until a full recon is established and we get eyes-on with Valkyrie operatives, we're here for intel more than anything else, so it'd be ideal if we can take at least one alive, and if the recon is right there's only a dozen of them, so we'll need to watch out, make sure we don't take out too many. As for air support, I'll run a call up the chain, see if we can get clearance from the local authority. If we're cleared, Dash will coordinate the strikes, but for now we'll operate under the assumption that we're on our own. Other than that I think we have a solid plan." JB glanced around the chopper "Any more questions?" --- Adam waited until the squad leaders had finished detailing the plan before he answered Blacktail. "I've been all over really, but I was born in Newfoundland. Haven't been back in a few years, but like yourself, I'll always consider it home."