[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]With a snarl Auz sprang off his rear right leg and totally leapt forwards to tackle Xavier about the midsection as the great sword passed diagonally between them, intending to spear his opponent into the ground with an impromptu rugby tackle. With Xavier only having one leg to stand on, the other in the process of booting his sword, he'd be unable to efficiently close or widen the distance to guard against the takedown. Auz could very well be too far inside of the greatsword's range for it to cause significant damage by the time it got kicked. Xavier's right arm, crossed over his body, might even wind up being pinned under Auz's weight in an awkward position. If Xavier hung onto Auz's longsword, it might get pinned between them too, the short end of the stick undoubtedly going to the one without armor who was holding said sword by its blade.[/i]