As Auz rushed forward Xavier allowed his left hand to slip free of the blade. A small slice present in the center of his palm, the tip of his middle finger shaved away and a slice present on the ring and index finger. The blood that ran from them danced along Xaviers left hand, adding a small extra amount to what already spread across his chest. On his face, a nasty and wicked smirk. "[i][color=ed1c24]Give us a hug![/color][/i]" Xavier called out as 2 dozen, 4 inch long and 1/2 in thick red hued metallic spikes suddenly tore through the black cotton of Xaviers shirt. From here Xavier welcomed the tackle, and should it hit he would try his best to twist in the air, hopefully landing atop of Auz and sinking the spikes in faster. The metal had been intended for use as an emergency armor system. But a new use was found for it.