[center][h1]Round 0[/h1][/center] And so we begin. On an icy planet, slowly decending into an ice age. But on this seemingly barren ice ball is life. Single cell orginisims, drifting listless in the slowly freezing ocean. This is where you come in, can you bring a species to survive the coming hardships? Or will you be yet another failure in the evolutionary ladder? Let's find out. P.S (player species) The Beks:These rest in the twilight zone of the ocean, floating listlessly hoping to run into food. They are slightly poisonous, giving predators a reason to leave them alone for easier prey. Their population is steady. But with declining temperatures and other species disappearing they may soon find themselves facing crisis. Boros:A blank sleight. They drift directionless in the twilight zone, hoping for food. They are a prime target for predators, and their population is slowly declining. They face crisis if no action is taken. -No unique behavioral choices- Paracellium:One of the most numerous species, these guys have undoubtedly done the best in the recent global snow-takeover. They may be small but their need for less and fast reproduction makes for a powerful survival combo. They, like the others dwell listlessly in the twilight zone. Drifting through whatever it needs. The population is steady but predators make it so that it grows at a very small rate. Ichoricus:A parisitic orginisim, these guys drift along in the twilight zone until they come across another species then they latch on, and drain it of nutrients for the foreseeable future. They are small in numbers but steady. No current threat. Karn:One of the few remaining plant species. As one of the few who's clinged to life so far they aren't doin so well. They live near the surface, turning what sunlight they can get into food. Their numbers are steadily declining. Acidium Vorax:A unique case, it lives in the twilight zone of the ocean, floating around aimlessly passing through food. What has made this species the second most numerous is how effectively they manage to use what they have. Their population is steady and there are no threats of note. Nps (Non player species) Preditori: (feel free to suggest a new name) A small orginisim, they live in large hunting colones and trap prey before devoting it. They traverse all throughout the zones.