On my end, I relate to the people who've said it's not a matter of them lacking the 'skill' to pull it off, but I actually don't know if I relate to them on the idea of people not actually having an interest in the role-plays I could present. In the past, any idea I brought up seemed to get a fair amount of interest, but I honestly don't really have the time on my hands to even role-play much as a [i]player[/i] currently let alone be a GM. It's definitely a matter of having not enough time as opposed to not having the 'skill'. With that said, I've been considering putting up a list of all the possible role-plays I've been thinking of hosting on this site, since there's more than ten of them (not even counting role-play using the setting of my 'Guardian Ascension' main story project) at this point, especially since I find myself building an entire cast/setting/plotline around every new character I create for someone else's role-play. This list grows too since I'm not able to put a plug on my inspiration, and it also doesn't include any fandom role-plays I might want to try since I generally prefer not to do those (again, not due to a lack of ability to do so). Perhaps if I can get a gauge of which ones garner the most intrigue it would allow me to consider if I have enough time to open any of them, since I'm truly more of a GM at heart rather than a player -- blame the fact that I'm a writer [i]before[/i] a role-player I guess. Another problem is I often - though not always - work with very complex projects, many of which required entire forums/sites to run as opposed to a single thread. This is [i]definitely[/i] the case with 'Guardian Ascension' -- I don't think anyone on this site could [i]ever[/i] convince me that I could run that project as a role-play on this site through a single thread unless I was working with a [i]very[/i] contained 'arc'. There's a few role-plays on this site that looked interesting to some extent, but none of them that I felt I was interested enough in to devote myself to with my busy schedule working on my project.