[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Auz had the lower center of gravity and the use of both arms, and so at best they'd land on their sides with the red spikes denting in Auz's breastplate. Which sides? Well, seeing as Xavier's right arm was likely bound across him and that his left leg was off the ground, his left flank would be his weak side, and as such the side that he'd probably land on. Auz of course would crash onto his right, though he'd release his sword at the last moment in order to keep his arm from getting pinned beneath him when he landed. To make sure his opponent stayed in place, Auz tried to throw his left leg over Xavier's legs to spoon him and keep him from maneuvering about as easily. One of the spikes succeeded in entering through the small armor gap that Xavier's blood knife had made, gouging skin but not piercing the sternum. Perhaps when Xavier remembered his first attack, he'd have the presence of mind to try and make the blood spike elongate to cause more damage. Problem is, it's difficult to think straight when your opponent is maniacally stabbing and slashing at you with a foot of thin, razor sharp steel. Auz flew into an absolute frenzy, attempting to wrap his right arm around the back of Xavier's neck to hold him in place whilst the parrying dagger flew in and out with repeated jerking motions. If Auz had his way, he'd initially start stabbing it at Xavier's right flank, aiming to rupture the liver before jamming it up between ribs to pierce a lung. He never stabbed the same place more than once, knowing by now that his opponent's blood could probably be used as a defensive mechanism as well as offensive. Auz would work his way up towards Xavier's neck just like Santa Claus, only stabbing all the way instead of laughing. Should Xavier be able to squeeze a free arm up between their bodies (Auz was staying as close as he could despite the spikes to give Xavier as little room to maneuver as possible), then by the time he succeeded he'd have already been shanked a half dozen times. That wasn't the worst part though. The worst part was how Auz was screaming out a veritable fusillade of cheesy stab-based puns throughout the entire ordeal.[/i] [color=6ecff6]"Yaaauuughh!! I'll take a 'stab' at this, if you *Grunt* get the 'point'! It was 'knife' to meet you, but I'm sick of your 'cutting' remarks! I don't *Hah!* like 'dirking' people around, especially *Ugh!* when they are *Grunt* a 'cut' above the rest! But, any way you *Nngg!* 'slice' it, I do appreciate your 'sharp' wit! 'Shanks' for your *Hurgh!* time!"[/color]