The only thing left to defend with was his head. Xavier tucked his chin towards his chest, blocking this throat and pushing the tip down. It dug into the skin of his chest, slicing lightly the skin of his sternum before falling away as Auz went lip. With a quick, wet [i]schlop[/i] the spike retracted back onto Xaviers chest while Auz would fall limply aside. Shoved by Xavier so he could stand. The end result had been the same, though this time around the man moved faster than before. [color=ed1c24][i]Was he holding back the first time then?[/i][/color] Xavier thought to himself. [i][color=ed1c24]Or maybe...[/color][/i] his thoughts trailed off as he watched Auzs body. The blood from his new wounds oozing towards his left hand.