[center][h3]The Penny Drops | Part 1[/h3] [sub]A [@LegionPothIX] and [@Rawk] collaboration.[/sub][/center] [center][i][color=gray]Prior to Gavon TreVayne’s departure on the Nyx and minutes after “Two Sides of the Same Coin”.[/color][/i][/center] The evening was winding down to a close as SFC Calhound all but kicked in the door to TreVayne’s fourth floor office in the [i]Security Centre[/i] building. Irons had been escorted back to her cell where unbeknownst to him, she would soon be greeted by Dr. Larson. Meanwhile he and his droid went to the office of the Chief of Security with more than a laundry list of complaints to levy. With heavy heart he dropped into a chair like two tonnes of live ordnance, paying little attention to the bulky twin semi-automatic pistols laid out on the Chief’s desk, one of which was in several pieces as a thin pipe brush was being channeled through the barrel by its owner. Regardless, SFC Calhound was visibly ready to explode, but it was not he who spoke their introduction, but rather Sasha’s synthesized voice that was allowed to echo reason. [color=cyan]“Mr. TreVayne,”[/color] Sasha spoke from the position of a civilian social interlayer to the proceedings, rather than with any formal military decorum, [color=cyan]“After reviewing the facts the decision has been made that it is in your best interest if you drop these charges and release our client.”[/color] There was a coldness about the room: one of mechanical efficiency as the stainless steel that seemed to line every inch of the sub-level brig reached into the upper floors and even into this office. It was masked, of course, with the civility of society such as the mahogany desk between them, the walls lined with framed digital and printed photos, or even the low blues music emanating hidden speakers in the backdrop. Little things that reminded this job was done by humans, regardless of how dehumanizing the environment felt. It all felt very artificial, and superfluous to the engineer as the quiet between them stretched on in anticipation for a response. “I see you haven’t lost your sense of decorum, Calhound.” The Chief finally said, in an even-toned voice, after a few moments of silence while continuing to focus his attention on detailing the handgun. “And yet once again you’ve managed to come kicking and screaming in hopes of getting what you want, [i]but[/i]…” Gavon lifted his head slightly to meet Xaith’s fuming gaze across the desk. “I suppose I should appreciate the fact that you dragged your girlfriend along to speak for you while the blood vessels ready to burst in your forehead subsided.” He cracked a slight smile as he nodded to the synthetic woman standing next to its master, before returning his focus to the Chief of Engineering. “So, why does the machine currently being detained for investigation into matters of ship safety and security so desperately need to be released? However, before you -or should I say your much better looking assistant- responds..” He gave the droid a mocking wink. “Just know that after speaking with your client earlier today, I’ve considered releasing her [i]barring[/i] any red flags in her psychological evaluation results, as she has expressed some interest in working within my department.” Though Calhound frowned at the joke made at Sasha’s expense he corrected only the important misstep made by the Chief of Security in this moment, as she was about to correct all the missteps he made in the last day. Xaith imagined the man had little experience in the ways of [i]civilian[/i] court proceedings as he very obviously failed to observe even basic civil rights. He was visibly restraining himself as he stated in as calm a tone as he could muster: “Please address all questions and statements to the droid, whom is a legal extension of the client per the Automated Assistance Self-Representation Act, and not the operator who ensures its correct function.” It had been decades since public defenders were supplemented in this way to ensure all citizens of the UEC and the Roslin Federation’s domain received adequate representation despite the typical [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USkEzLuzmZ4]public defenders’[/url] workload. [color=cyan]“Unfortunately,”[/color] Sasha said as she gently placed a file on the security chief’s desk and, in doing so, disrupted the parts to the gun that was currently being detailed. [color=cyan]“not only do you [i]not[/i] have the grounds to hold Miss Irons, security footage shows that her detainment is wholly unlawful.”[/color] Sasha mechanically re-entered her secretarial ‘at-ease’ stance, while SFC Calhound glanced at the folder on the desk to imply the sequester for said footage lie within in addition to a few other choice documents. [color=cyan]“So too is spying on privileged attorney-client communications a crime. One perpetrated moments ago by your staff. Additionally, records show the client had not been [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_warning]Mirandized[/url]–”[/color] the colloquial term coined by a court case from the Roslin Federation’s history may not have made it into the vernacular of the space faring cultures and so she clarified, [color=cyan]“–advised of her ‘right of silence’ and legal representation. As such you have nothing stemming from her detainment will be admissible in any civil proceedings, as it is [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_of_the_poisonous_tree]‘Fruit of the Poisonous Tree’[/url]. In short you are to terminate your interrogation and release the client immediately’.”[/color] With the situation summarized, Xaith stifled a grin at the complete dressing down of a superior officer by the civilian consultant—whom was within her legal right to do so. He was curious how the Chief would react as the logs, and what he could ascertain of his file, indicated it would not be well.