[@Dark Light] He had heard every word that was whispered and it was only a short moment after it was all said and done that Knutik realized the man was explaining their literal situation. The whispered words spoken seemed to still linger in the air of silence even after the man turned away to head to a room, supposedly his. The shade felt a small sting on his left hand as Dorian brushed past him. The man paused to address the group as a whole stating that his brother would handle the rest of the situation. Being curious by nature, Knutik couldn't resist the urge to catch a look at the strange man's room. He wasn't expecting much but what he did see barely registered to him fast enough before the doors shut, leaving him with a slightly odd feeling. Surely he did just watch the man enter his room, and surely he did catch a glimpse of the inside... so why did it feel like there was a gap some where in that span of time? He felt like brushing the feeling off since it seemed like such a small thing, but there was no doubt in his mind that he did see something. He made a serious mental note to check out that room just to make sure insanity wasn't some kind of special 'emotion' that was effecting him. Maybe he'll sneak in later. He was just beginning to think of when would be a good time to sneak in before he felt the stinging on his hand again. He brought it up to his face only to find that a small spot on the back of his hand, for lack of a better word, was dripping. He ran a claw over it and it almost looked like tar. He ran a gentle shadow over the 'wound' and it closed up. Pain... it hurt.... something had actually hurt him... physically. The very thought terrified him, and it only happened when that man brushed by him. Knutik felt like retreating to his realm where he was safe, where his own fears couldn't reach him, but he decided against it figuring that it would be weird for him to up and leave in a panic; he's already made a fool of himself enough. He turned to see that the taller one did in fact remain behind to help them. Knutik remembered he only came up here following the vibes of violence and to relieve his boredom, so being in the presence of this intimating... human? Beast?... was almost enough to make the shade want to go back down to the bar. Speaking of the bar, he could've sworn he heard something morph in the shadows... and... scratching? He shuddered. Something wasn't quite right.... he turned to face the direction of the stairs wondering if he should check it out.