[center][h1]THE TALE OF THE VALLEY OF MUIN[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://arras-france.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Allevard_France.png[/img][/center] [center][i]We will ever mourn your loss Lord Master Muin, and the tears of your sons and serfs shall cover, as snow, this Valley of yours. [/i][/center] [center][h2]Introduction[/h2] This is a political and small-scale faction conflict roleplay based on a low fantasy (probably no magic), fictional dwarven inhabited valley. It will be a mix between nation and character driven RPG. It will have nation roleplay style as each player will control a faction ruled by one or several of the sons of a recently deceased dwarf lord in their claim over the lordship of a valley. Each faction will control a part of the valley, and will struggle to survive through the hardships of cold, hunger, intrigue, betrayal, and maybe even armed conflict. [h2]THE SETTING[/h2] Rising from beign a humble stonemason in service of a Great Lord of the Dwarves, Master Muin was granted land as a reward for his services. A small, isolated, cold but impregnable and beautiful valley, in which he would dwell the rest of his longevous life. He brought along several alliegates and servants, and founded a small settlement, for which he also devised a watchtower and a mill. Slowly, despite the hard natural conditions, the House of Muin prospered. However, dark tidings were to come for this Valley. Master Muin was deadly wounded during a goblin incursion in the West Pass. This is not the only evil besieging the valley: the snows came earlier than usual during the last years, and the harvest has been too scarce; the cattle became diseased and the quarrels among the sons have detroyed the unity of the Clan. Not even the oracles casted from the Gods bring any good sign. [i] Now the brothers quickly gather for the funeral, but, who will take the lordship of the House of Muin and the valley?[/i][/center] [center][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/6a1b/th/pre/i/2009/244/1/5/nar_at_the_gate_of_moria_by_tulikoura.jpg[/img][/center]