[center][b][h2][color=ed1c24]Red Robin[/color][/h2] [h3]Overwatch Headquarters: Briefing Room[/h3][/b][/center] However, unaware to Robin, as he sits down in a seat closest to him, he failed to realize that he was not alone in here. He suddenly feels something skitter up his legs. He begins to feel uncomfortable, but chuckles as the nano-machines ran up his entire body. He began to chuckle, then giggle, until laughing uncontrollably as he wiggles around in his chair, clutching his sides. If one couldn't tell, he is extremely ticklish. Perhaps a little too so. Regardless, Robin knew exactly who was forcing him to contort in these awful positions. He tries to brush off the nano-machines as he tries to make out his words. [color=ed1c24][b]"Gah-haha-haaa!"[/b][/color] he laughs wildly with several grunts in between, [color=ed1c24][b]"S-Stop it Tulip! Gaaaahaa! T-That's enouuuuuugh!"[/b][/color] Thankfully for him, T.H at that point would've stopped as Robin would feel the machines finally retreat, resulting in him taking a deep sigh as he sinks into his seat. All he would hear was T.H. giggling in the corner, watching his "misery" [color=coral][i]"Haha! Got you Caps! Try to hold it in, otherwise you'll be laughing for quite a while...then again, who could hold it in!? Let the laughs flow, don't fight it...otherwise, you may be hurling in the garbage for quite a while. And by a while...I mean a short amount of time of vicious gag reflex that may cause a sore throat."[/i][/color] An annoyed growl comes from Robin's mouth as he tries to get himself comfortable. [b][color=ed1c24]"Oh I really hope you aren't on my team..."[/color][/b] he says in a lower tone as he catches his breath. Tulip's powers may look much of mischief, but he knows that this was actually, believe it or not, a healing technique. He never much believed in the whole "Laughter is the best medicine", but considering he has actually passed after one year of training and managed to get into here, perhaps there was some truth to it after all. Yet he will have to consider that later, as he then turns his head to the entrance of the room. There he sees several figures entering the room, each also trying to pull in what was just happening in there. Basically, almost the entire gang saw the entire ordeal. Robin couldn't help but to feel utterly humiliated that he was watched by practically everyone else. [color=ed1c24][b]"Ugh..."[/b][/color] he sighs, rolling his eyes while slapping his hands on the seat, [color=ed1c24][b]"You've got to be kidding me."[/b][/color] The figures that came in were Clover, another support-class who used enhancers to help out, Flashover, a tank-class who was previously a firefighter, Lux, an engineer-class who happened to control hard-light, D-A, an offensive swordsman who one could easily think to be a costume Genji would wear, and last, but certainly not least, was Exusia, a mech pilot, who also was chosen as squad-leader of her own group. They were all chosen as part of Deltawatch, for their valiant effort, clever tactics, and overall their fierce determination to help save the world. They are the future... the next generation of Overwatch. When they're gone, they will take their places. This day, their first mission, will have them take their first steps into Overwatch overall. [color=[color=0072bc][/color]][i]"Uh, heya guys, boss. What's up?[/i][/color] remarks Flashover, aka Michael Marley, [color=blue][i]"So what exactly...are you two doing?"[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]"D-Don't ask mate...."[/b][/color] Robin sighs as he sits up straight. [i]"Yo, Louis,"[/i] Phoebe said next to T.H, [i]"Keep your little tickle stick away from me... and kids while we're at it."[/i] T.H would respond back in slight disappointment, eventually leading in other conversations amongst the teammates. At one point even Lux asked what they should do now. [b][color=0072bc]"Preferably an activity that DOESN'T include tickling of any sorts."[/color][/b] replied D-A. [color=ed1c24][b]"Yes, THANK YOU,"[/b][/color] Robin replies with a thumbs up, [color=ed1c24][b]"I definitely approve of that."[/b][/color] Suddenly, the last hero popped into the room, looking utterly exhausted. Looks like her alarm didn't ring at the right time and basically scrambled to get here. She was Zhi-Ya Chen, another engineer that specializes in drones. Flashover greeted her, Zhi also responding back, begging blatantly for caffeine until eventually resting on D-A's shoulder. Robin looks around him to see the heroes that he was going to work with... well, at least with three others that is. He knows that they'll be divided into teams, with three going with Robin, and the rest with Phoebe, aka Exusia. However, he didn't know who he is going to be commanding. As he relaxes, he then blatantly asks: [color=ed1c24][b]"Seriously, where is everyone else? Should the commanders be already meeting us here by now?"[/b][/color] The clock just turned to 9:45 as the doors opposite to where the heroes came in opened. Robin turns around to see who just arrived on scene. At last... they finally arrived! The figures of Soldier 76 (Commander Morrison), Mercy, Tracer, Ana, Torbjörn, and Reinhardt enter the room gloriously as all attention would most certainly be placed upon them. The Overwatch veterans spread out, with Morrison standing near the middle of the wall. Ana, Torbjörn, and Tracer would be flanking his right, while Mercy and Reinhardt flank his left. With a hand up, Soldier 76 calls for silence in the room. [hr] [center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/soldier76-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][color=525d9b][b]Commander Morrison[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [color=525d9b][b]"Morning heroes."[/b][/color] he says calmly, his mask surveying the area around him, [color=525d9b][b]"Glad to see you all here. I hope you all had plenty of rest and ate a hearty breakfast... for today, you will all be finally put into teams of four and proceed to go on your first REAL mission. We've trained you all to become valiant heroes on the field, to put your powers and abilities into good use. Out of the various recruits that entered to become enlisted into Deltawatch, you eight have all been selected into this elite task force. You should all be proud of yourselves for making it this far."[/b][/color] He then looks at both Robin and Phoebe, signaling them to come up to him. Both would stand up and approach him. Robin was both excited and rather nervous while coming up, but kept a straight face as he and Phoebe would stand in front of Morrison, each receiving a firm hand on their shoulders. [color=525d9b][b]"In case you need a refresher,"[/b][/color] Morrison continues, [color=525d9b][b]"These two volunteers, Mister Robin Davies, and Miss Phoebe Sarin, will each be leading three of you in separate teams. Though you all should've known this by now. What you all don't know, is who you'll be assigned with. We've all discussed this matter through the weekend on who will be with who... and now we've finally come to full agreement."[/b][/color] Morrison signals Mercy, who was holding a controller, to turn on the screen. Robin turns around to the screen to take a look at who his teammates will be. He had already heard two people calling him caps, but wasn't sure if they will be joining him. He especially didn't want T.H to be in his team... After a few seconds, the screen finally turns on, revealing the following. [hider=Teams] [center][h2][b]TEAM [color=ed1c24]ROBIN[/color] LIST[/b][/h2] [list] [*] [b][color=ed1c24]Red Robin[/color][/b] [@Lmpkio] [*] [b]Lux[/b] [@Bornlucky] [*] [b]Flashover[/b] [@dereken] [*] [b]Clover[/b] [@DesperatePerson] [/list] [h2][b]TEAM [color=brown]PHOEBE[/color] LIST[/b][/h2] [list] [*] [b][color=brown]Phoebe Sarin[/color][/b] [@Mr Allen J] [*] [b]Louis Tulip[/b] [@cloudystar] [*] [b]Zhi-Ya[/b] [@Rekaigan] [*] [b]D-A[/b] [@Haru Nyan] [/list] [/center] [/hider] Chatter would be among the heroes, discussing their thoughts and opinions on the matter at hand. Whether it was positive, negative, or simply neutral, the results have spoken. Robin sighed in relief. For a second he thought some Deus Ex Machina stuff was going to pair him with the the tickler. Thankfully it wasn't the case. He looks back at his now confirmed teammates, Lux, Flashover, and Clover, smiling at them. [color=525d9b][b]"This is what we've all come up."[/b][/color] the commander then says, [color=525d9b][b]"Like em' or hate em', this is where you will be from this day forward. I'm sure you will all get along just fine. Now before I go over your first mission, are there any questions about who you're with or any concerns that need to be addressed?"[/b][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/reaper-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][b][color=black]Reaper[/color] Talon Headquarters: Control Center 03[/b][/h2][/center] One by one, the Talon forces came to Reaper's position. He didn't turn around to greet them, in fact, it almost seemed like he didn't notice them. Yet he knew and recognized everyone coming through the door. Viper was the first to come in, a revered Toxicologist, he was trained with various toxins and poisons. He certainly shouldn't be trifled with. Sanguine was the next agent to come in, a prior Military Technology Consultant, he was a good counter to swordsmen Overwatch agents, such as like likes of Genji and Hanzo. Then Medix came in, the almost psychopathic doctor, looking as if she just came out of torturing someone, which Reaper actually ordered her to do so to the agent who tried to defect. He wanted his death to be slow and painful as possible. A minute passes by, as the clock strikes 9:44. A solemn growl comes from Reaper as he still looks out the window. [b][color=black]"It appears some of us are painfully slow today..."[/color][/b] he hisses slowly, still looking outside, [b][color=black]"It'll be a shame to punish them for not being on time."[/color][/b] He wasn't mentioning the three that came in rather early, rather the others that have yet to arrive. Just then, everyone in the room could hear clanking noises coming closer to the door. Eventually, the figure reveals himself as an omnic. An omnic, going by the name Heliox. The Commando omnic had just came out of repairs after his last mission and looks better then ever, the metal glossing over the faint lights that were above them. [color=silver][b]"Heliox reporting."[/b][/color] salutes Heliox in a deep, robotic voice, [color=silver][b]"My repairs have been completed. Ready for your orders."[/b][/color] Reaper still doesn't respond. There are just a few more agents that need to show up. And they are running out of time...