[center][h1] [color=8dc73f]Maren[/color] and [color=silver]Aelar[/color] [/h1][/center] collaboration with [@Venku] Maren helped Elyra make sure everyone was fit to leave and they got the campfire and camp itself torn down and ready for their departure. They needed to get back on the road. She brought the last part of the tent to Aelar to put on the travois. [color=8dc73f]"I'm sure glad that all of the injuries were healed but I still don't know who could have that kind of magic that could heal everyone from all those injuries at once . And Why would they want to heal us?"[/color] Maren said. [color=0072bc]"Just be thankful that they did."[/color] Elyra said. She went off to see if James needed any help. Maren looked at Aelar, [color=8dc73f]"What do you think about it?"[/color] [color=silver]"I'm just as uncertain about why the person helped us but I do recognize the spell. It is a life spell called Vulsamnia it heals all physical wounds inflicted on the targets, however the caster would die. Before the war Magi were capable of using it without dying but now... it should be impossible."[/color] Aelar was very familiar with this spell as his own healing magic was derived from it. This made him more curious about the mysterious savior. [color=8dc73f]"All I know is it's kind of scary that there is someone out there with the power to heal us all. If they can do that then they should be able to take it away and hurt us all too, right?" [/color]Maren asked. [color=silver]"That is true but if they wanted us dead they didn't have to act. I have feeling they want us to make it to the Wasteland, there might be something or someone waiting for us there..."[/color] He said as he ran theories through his head. [color=silver]"Either way all we can do is make it there and find out."[/color] Maren nodded and smiled on the outside but on the inside she was very worried. They were out in the open all the time and to be taken by surprise ....it was an easy attack for the opponents. Aelar noticed worry flash through Maren's eyes which she quickly hid with a smile. He was worried too but he turned it into determination; he couldn't lose her, she was the first person he ever had in his heart and he would die if he lost her. Maren moved over to the other caravan people and helped them pack things up and when she was done she came back to Aelar.[color=8dc73f] "Why do you think they attacked us to begin with?"[/color] [color=silver]"The only explanation is the Empire had released information to them. They were probably meant as a test or they regretted letting the Magi out."[/color] Cold light flickered in his eyes as his hatred for the Empire grew deeper. If it hadn't been for the mysterious mage who saved them they all would've died. Maren saw how cold his expression was and she reached over and picked a leaf off of his shirt and dropped it onto the ground. She sounded upbeat for a moment. [color=8dc73f]"Well I guess we had be better prepared for the next one then."[/color] She slid her arms around Aelar and looked around til she saw Elyra finishing with putting her medical supplies away. It was only a few minutes later that the entire group got back on the move. They were all a lot more careful to be on the lookout especially around more enclosed areas. Weapons were out and ready for attack. Aelar walked with one hand on the hilt of his sword the other wrapped around Maren's waist. When he did seperate from her it was for no more than a couple minutes. Whenever they went through an area where an ambush was possible he cast Nature Sense to keep an eye out. [hr] [@dabombjk][@caits][@ashevelendar][@shadow daedalus][@canaryrose][@gareth][@dustyoldcrow][@blackpanther][@king tai][@kyrisse]