Hopefully they could get done with what they needed to do and get going as soon as possible. When they had come to this place he didn’t want it to have to end like this, even if the men were terrible and had to be stopped. He didn’t understand who those people were that they took, but it was strange they did and probably good that they helped them; however, they were now completely set back and who knew if those men that were after him would find him here. He was pretty vulnerable to capture himself when they knew what he looked like and even managed to find him in the most strangest of places. He still didn’t know how they found him on that ship or why he was so drawn to that piece of Machina tech, nobody was giving him the time to ask about it either because of what happened. Everybody else seemed to matter more it seemed, but he didn’t think he could feel sour over that fact when he was still just a Machina and didn’t exactly have a lot going on in his life compared to theirs. Everybody around him had lived long lives compared to him, his didn’t particularly mean as much when more Machina could be made. Right now though it was probably best getting them all fixed up too, seeing as how they weren’t particularly looking all that grand. He didn’t really know how people got their health up to speed again, he had to find someone to fix and get all repaired, but they had to find some other method and it seemed to take a long time and be rather complicated. He was lucky to get out of there with very minor damage, just a little scratch which was hardly anything to be worried about. It was damage that he could repair himself, it wasn’t as if he was incapable of functioning with it. Ethan barely seemed to be functioning and Amuné just wouldn’t let go, adding on extra weight and energy usage that he didn’t really want right now. With Nymira looking pretty alright and not having many problems he felt the group were ready to go again, at least to whatever this ‘herbalist’ person was. Pushing at Amuné to get her off he back away quickly after, wanting for her to go to Ethan or to somebody who wouldn't possibly act out. He didn’t know why she had been doing that, it just seemed strange to him and probably not something she should be doing when he was solid and probably not comfortable to hold on to. Looking down at himself briefly he didn’t realise he was being spoken to as he patted himself down, looking up at her curiously at first before looking to Wyth. “Oh uhh, I didn’t do much. I just opened a cage”, he spoke, giving his chest a quick rub, “I guess I stepped on a guy’s leg too. Ethan didn’t want anybody to die, so I tried not to…” He was just embarrassing himself further with this and probably should move on, his reaction to immediately move away from Nymira and just wanted to get a move on. He was certain he would be taking too much credit if he accepted any glory for what happened in there, he did very little while everybody else fought with their existence on the line. It would be wrong to take credit for something like that. Once the crowd decided to disappear for the most part it was about time to go, they really needed to see whoever this herbalist was. Maybe they were somebody who could help with injuries to organic beings, but he wouldn’t know until he got there. He would feel way too embarrassed to ask, especially when there was strangers about. Once they were inside where this person was staying he still couldn’t understand what a herbalist was, there was just a lot of plants and parts of plants for some reason. Maybe he would be best waiting near the door and away from everything, just in case he broke something or was asked something particularly embarrassing by these strangers. While not particularly fussed over the wait he had to do for them to finally leave again. He was fine being back in the cart where he would be safe from other people who might suspect something about him and to be back on the road again. While he didn’t get much out of the town he was fine moving on without anything, just the usual problems on his mind that had been building up since he got here. He didn’t know if he was comfortable being with them still, knowing he was capable of causing great harm and destruction to their kind. The main problem was they wouldn’t let him leave to be by himself either, they would just want him back for whatever reason that was lost to him. He was a mystery and a danger at the same time and that couldn’t had been a good combination to have around. Maybe once he got to the city he would find where he truly belonged, not where he had escaped from. It would be awful to have to go back there and probably be taken apart by those people. Maybe eventually the others would go elsewhere and not want to take him along, that would solve their problem of having a dangerous Machina around. Maybe he was going to be able to find out why he had been made in the city, he had been told that’s where Machina were mostly when he asked what the city was. He felt he knew where to go even after being given that little bit of information so it must’ve been true. Maybe he would find other Machina like him and not what the others would consider disposable. Everybody seemed okay with destroying Machina, but they never really asked him how he felt about it. He felt a little hopeful that he would find answers to his various questions and problems, but he didn’t know how long it would take for him to get there. His purpose was out there somewhere, he just had to find it without getting dismantled in the process.