[b][color=f6989d][center][h2]Hello and welcome![/h2][/center] [/color][/b] [center][img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.108145765.4230/sticker,375x360.png[/img][/center] So I just joined this site like a couple hours ago and decided to bypass the usual lurk around for a few days waiting for something to happen phase I usually go through when I join sites. Get ready for an obnoxiously long post! First off, the basics on me. I'm a girl who likes girls. Shockingly, I like to roleplay. Now I'm going to phase out a whole bunch of people - [b]I am not looking to do a romantic roleplay[/b]. Look at that room clear. I'd like to try something platonic where the characters still potentially grow close, just none of that kissing stuff. Cooties and all that. If you think you might be up for trying something platonic, read on! Also, not sure if this a faux pas since we're in the 1x1 section and all - but I would totally be up for a small group (3-4 people.) In fact I might even prefer it. I'm just saying, if several people are interested in the same idea we might be able to work something out. [b][center][color=f6989d][h3]I want to see if we'd be good partners, partner:[/h3][/color][/center][/b] Here's some info on what I'm like as a roleplayer, and some of the things I'd like you to be like. This is more for your sake so you can see if I'm the sort of person you want to play pretend with. [list][*][b]I write 1-4 paragraphs per post on average[/b]. I'm a big believer in quality over quantity. I'll add in details and go into how my character feels, but I will not pad out a post because I feel like it's too short. I also enjoy fast-paced conversations in roleplays - if those should occur, I may be writing only 1-3 lines. Generally speaking though, expect a couple paragraphs per post. [*][b]I have a life and you do too.[/b] Some days I'll be busy. I'll try and get in at least one reply per day, often more, but sometimes I can't. Make sure that's alright with you. On my side, I don't really care if I have to wait a while for a post. Hell, I don't mind waiting a week so don't worry if you can't post that often. [*][b]Communication is key.[/b] I'm not the sort of person that likes to add in surprises to roleplays. I like to discuss what's happening and what will happen in the short-term and in the long-term. Otherwise, I find I lose motivation. If you're an in-the-now type, I may not be the right partner for you. Also, I'm the sort of person who likes to give roleplays an end. That means having a plot with a conclusion. I don't like dragging things out until both parties lose interest. As well, if you don't like where the RP is going or you want to leave it - let me know. You don't have to give a reason, I won't be mad. If you're losing interest, I totally get it, so don't feel guilty. [*][b]Be alright with mature themes.[/b] If heavy language or dark themes get to you, I'm not right for you. Of course it depends on the character, genre, and setting, but make sure you're alright with that. I am pretty prone to making characters that aren't so likable. [*][b]Sound the alarms, weeb alert. [/b]I'll use anime character representations in all RPs started because of this thread. [*][b]Be okay with playing a female character.[/b] I'll most likely be playing a female character as well, although there's a chance I'll play a male one. But even though there's no romance involved (well, almost certainly not), I'd really rather you play a female character. [/list] Alright, get it? Let's move on to the good stuff. [img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.75271873.3492/sticker,375x360.png[/img] [b][center][color=f6989d][h3]Plots and ideas:[/h3][/color][/center][/b] I'll admit I haven't really fleshed most of these out. Hopefully we could do that together. Now, I'm writing some of these in a traditional pairing way, in an YxZ format, but remember - no romance. Not to say I won't have a flirty character or two though. There's a chance that after time passes in the roleplay, if the characters seem to have chemistry, romance might be cool. But I don't want to go in with that mindset. [hider=Prompt thingies] Keep in mind that I literally have no other ideas beside what's written down, we'd have to plan together. Will add more when I think of more. [list][*][i]You have moved into a quaint little town in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't take long for you to meet a strange girl with a sly smile who seems to know who you are, and that's not even getting started on all those unexplained disappearances and murders.[/i] A thriller/psychological/horror type roleplay - supernatural elements are a possibility. [*][i]You are a princess with a wish you are most desperate to see realized. With almost all your hope gone, you summon a demon. What will the price be - and is it worth it?[/i] Fantasy with supernatural. The demon could also be changed into a genie since there's not enough genie stuff out there. [*][i]You move into an old family home that can only be described as a mansion. Something feels off though - doors open when they shouldn't be and a chill running through the air. You soon meet a vengeful ghost who will not rest until she finds her murderer.[/i] Supernatural, mystery, horror [/list] [/hider] [hider=Pairings and other plot stuff] This is where the less specific stuff goes. [list][*]Vampire aristrocrats [*]Thief x serial killer [*]Charon inspired character x deceased person [*]Blood mage x white mage [*]Something with pirates. [*]Something in a max security prison. [*]Something with monster girls. [*]Princess x handmaiden [*]Something with magical girls. [/list] [/hider] Well, that's all! Thanks for hearing me out, feel free to shoot me a message if you're interested in one of these. [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/e2a6b5fdcabbbf42c36e86cd8b46d548/tumblr_of4l7qNdML1vhnsyko2_500.png[/img]