[center][h1][color=steelblue]T'Plior[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Location: Sickbay, Bridge[/center] As the engines hummed with readiness, T'Plior checked the sickbay once more. Her early dinner had been adequate. She had survived her time within the Mess Hall, unobtrusively left early, and managed to finish up the crew medical files as well as schedule the requisite check-ups for her visual inspection. Her duty now lie in waiting here, along with the nurses, for any medical needs and emergencies, strictly logical. Yet something did not sit right with the Vulcan. Part of her interest in Starfleet had been the possibility of exploration. Sickbay was only a place for second-hand knowledge of the unknown, not first-hand. T'Plior looked around. The nurses seemed competent, competent enough to handle probable needs that would come about. It was not unheard of for the chief medical officer to be present on the bridge, though that depended on the captain's orders. Logically, overseeing the bridge allowed early warning of major medical emergencies and viewing of the stress rates of the bridge crew which could cause medical problems later on. Her Vulcan reflexes would allow her to come 2.15 seconds sooner if needed, unless she was trapped in the Turbolift, but there was only a 0.000000000085 % chance of that happening, especially on the first engaging of warp drive. She suppressed the illogical thought that it was because it was the first launch that staying in the Sickbay was particularly unappealing. Internally, she sighed and made a decision. "Head Nurse Zigler," T'Plior called towards her second-in-command. The head nurse turned away from his own preparations and strided towards the Vulcan, his back straightening up in response to his superior's professional posture. "Yes, ma'am?" he replied. "I shall be on the bridge for the duration of this shift," she said. "While I'm gone, you of course will be in charge until I return. Call me if anything happens." "Yes, ma'am." Zigler replied, then T'Plior left and headed towards the turbolift, unsure if she had heard a cheer behind her as the doors swished closed or not. She was of course not anxious as she rode the turbolift, she was a Vulcan. If the captain decided T'Plior shouldn't be allowed on the bridge, she would accept that and return to sickbay. It was captain's prerogative. Captain Mccoy was known to have a temper at times, but nothing about what she was about to do seemed like something that would as the humans say "spark" that temper. Humans could be unpredictable though. She had barely triple-checked her uniform for any creases or flaws when the turbolift opened. T'Plior locked all her mental shields and every emotional lockdown she knew and strode onto the bridge. "Permission to observe the bridge, Captian?" she said, proper military posture full enforced and ready to leave if she was told to.