The smirk on Tagorn's face grew ever so slightly as the young Nord took a seat across from him, though if the boy could notice the smirk at all in the shadows Tagorn couldn't say. "Good to see there is some kind of sense in you kid." Tagorn said in a mocking whisper before leaning back in his chair again. "Well to start forget that whole lowly beggar approach you've seem to be found of, that will only get you so far. The real way to get coin is through distractions, simple as it sounds." As he spoke he looked past the boy and pointed out a large Orc, who was obviously drunk, sitting alone at the bar. "Take that brute for example, easy mark you might say? Well you'd be wrong. That lumix may have enough mead in him to put Sanguine to shame he'd still notice the load of his coin purse missing." Tagorn explained as he sat forward in his chair. He then pointed to another man, a Khajiit who was sitting seductively close with a Altmer woman. "But that cat over there is another story. Notice how he hasn't bother to touch that drink of his? His mind is only on one thing and it ain't his coin kid." He winked at the kid as he suggested at the Khajiit's intentions. "But back to it. Give a person the right distraction and they'll never notice you cleaning them out." With that Tagorn pulled his hand from under the table holding a steel dagger. He held it up examining it for a moment. "Like I said a distraction for example I don't know... some advice about pickpocketing can help you get almost anything." He smirked and looked over the dagger again. "James is it?" He placed the dagger on the table with another smirk and leaned back in his chair, being embraced even more by the darkness leaving only his dark golden eyes shimmering slightly in the dark to be seen.