[b]My Character[/b] (more will follow) [img]http://i.imgur.com/rJFWvCq.jpg[/img] Name: Amelia Titles: Duchess of Transylvania, The Elder Princess (not to her face) Race: Vampire (Elder) Age: Over 700 years old but allegedly over 800. Physical Appearance: (If you don't have an image or simply wish to add more detail) Biography: Not much is known of Amelia in her early life. Her history only accurately beginning after the founding of Nocturne, of course even then the Vampire Elders did much to rewrite history in their own image, so even then much may be conjecture or outright lies. Much of her history is told in the [i]Annum Vampirum[/i] and the [i]Annals of Nocturne[/i]. In the [i]Annum Vampirum[/i] which gives a timeline of her life states she was born in the 'Old World' and was one of the original Vampire Elders. Helping lead the Vampire race and their newfound Human allies into driving back the hordes at their doors. Helping found Valeria and ultimately forming Nocturne. Personality wise Amelia is well received by Vampires and Humans alike. Being held as beautiful and just in her duties. Able to lead men into battle but not much into politicking. Caring little for legislation but will take Court cases should they fancy her. Amelia is also the only Elder to be the head of a Province. Holding the title of Duchess of Transylvania and as such is usually engaged in protecting the Eastern Frontier and prosecuting campaigns into the endless wilderness there. At the start of the role play Amelia is the reigning Vampire Elder for the last thirty-three years. Being the only female Elder her hand in marriage is much sought after, and the tale of many a minstrel. Additional Information: As the Duchess of Translyvania she has control over its military forces. The Athanatoi or Deathless Ones is the military order dedicated to her. [u]Athanatoi Warrior[/u] [b]If a Provincial Lord[/b] Name of Province: Transylvania Name of Provincial Capital: Drakenberg Population: 125,000 Military Size: 10,000 Military Info: The Athanatoi prefer to fight as heavy infantry, cavalry, and missile troops organized into companies of 100-250 warriors. Economy Info: Transylvania is economically mediocre with its primary industry being mines and woodworking. Most of its people outside of Drakenberg live in small hamlets and villages. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Q6QZxcQ.png?1[/img] History/Information of Province: Transylvania is the Easternmost province of the Realm of Nocturne. Bording Magyan to the West and Balkora to the South-West. To the East it is bordered by the Kingdom of Rumova while its Northern marches give way to the Ukrainian plains and the mutant tribes that call those lands home. Border raids and sorties from the provinces military are commonplace. Though the Mountains provide a natural barrier they are not impervious. The mountain passes must be watched and while the communities in the Carpathians are few and far between they are a hardy bunch. Often the first line of defense should a foe seek to penetrate the mountains and enter the Transylvanian basin. Transylvania's provincial capital is the City of Targon Minas (former Targu Mures), population of 28,000, and situated within the Transylvanian basin. It is from here that the provincial government reigns in Amelia's stead when she is not present. As such the Province can be seen as a Oligarchy made up of appointed officers while Amelia is away, and then transitioning into a feudal monarchy when she is present and reigning as Duchess. Transylvania, before Nocturne, was a land of vast forests giving way to snowy mountains. It's people scarce and constantly at war with the beasts of the forests. When the Elders took power and began building Valeria, they also expanded Nocturne. In the Provinces own history Amelia led an army of Nocturne into the Transylvania and drove the beasts from the forests. The people in joy crowned her as their overlord. A more fanciful story is that Amelia alone wandered into Transylvania, and following the call of a raven climbed the highest mountain. Slayed the Dragon Durogast, and with that deed the land bent to her will, proclaiming her Lord of all Transylvania.