[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Auz didn't just stop in swinging range. He kept moving forwards to keep Xavier from being able to back away fast enough, if back away he did, in order to get inside Xavier's guard. Auz drew his longsword pommel up before his chest after his slash was deflected, ready to parry any split second attacks. At the same time he shifted his dagger into a reverse grip as he moved his buckler into the way of the swinging greatsword's crossguard. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Xavier hadn't rooted his feet to the ground with blood claws or something (he probably could), so the immense force of his blow against Auz would have almost as much effect on him, perhaps budging him a bit in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, as Auz tumbled to his right he'd let the force of the sword hitting his buckler lend power to the horizontal slash of his dagger, intending to draw it across Xavier's belly with blurring speed to spill some guts. He'd be ready to extend his arm further out in case his foe tried backing up or twisting away.[/i]