[b][color=lightblue]Name[/color][/b]: Jekt K’Rill [b][color=lightblue]Species[/color][/b]: Miraluka [b][color=lightblue]Gender[/color][/b]: Female [b][color=lightblue]Age[/color][/b]: 41 [b][color=lightblue]Height[/color][/b]: 5'7" [b][color=lightblue]Weight[/color][/b]: 137 lbs. [b][color=lightblue]Build[/color][/b]: Slender, Toned [b][color=lightblue]Skin Tone[/color][/b]: Pale [b][color=lightblue]Hair Color[/color][/b]: Brown [b][color=lightblue]Appearance[/color][/b]: Like most all Miraluka, Jekt appears surprisingly human. Gentle waves of brown hair trickle out from the depths of a carefully pinned hood, with hints of pale skin visible through the otherwise heavy wrappings of cloth that conceal much of her body. While slender, Jekt is well toned and stands just south of five foot seven, a few inches shorter than that of the average Miraluka. Though hidden, for the most part, hints of ornate, gray markings can be seen along the entirety of her left arm. Jekt’s clothing is heavy and arguably dusty in appearance. Most all the Miraluka woman is covered with some form of clothing, of which thick beige strips account for the clear majority of her overall attire. The hood that hides much of her already wrapped face seems strangely well managed and easily is the most expensive of her clothing. A series of belts loop Jekt’s waist, upper right arm, and each thigh at varying points, all of which are adorned with rope sporting various oddities – along with pouches, tools, and weapons. Though very little appears concealed, the Miraluka is careful about readily revealing certain items that may prove of interest to any passersby. Barring her physical appearance and clothing, Jekt carries with her a sturdy pack that is often strapped carefully to her back. The pole that the Miraluka woman walks with is, as the bearer, adorned in heavy cloth, strips of woven rope, and decorated with a variety of odd, small bobbles of various natures. And though Jekt does respectfully well to hide the severity of an old injury, to the keen of eye, the purpose the pole serves is not only as a form of defense but additionally to assist with the limp in her right leg. [b][color=lightblue]Occupation[/color][/b]: Jedi* ([i]See History[/i]) [b][color=lightblue]Teacher[/color][/b]: Dritta Leask* ([i]See History[/i]) [b][color=lightblue]History[/color][/b]: Little can be said about Jekt’s life prior to becoming the Jedi Knight, Dritta Leask’s padawan. Barring the occasional slipup, the Miralukan child’s childhood within the confines of the Jedi Temple was uneventful and mundane. This, however, was hardly her experience with Leask. Dritta Leask was something of a wildcard, favoring less-than-subtle tactics and measuring his emotions only when seemingly appropriate. For a time, Jekt struggled to navigate her new master’s outlandish behavior – particularly when in the presence of other Jedi Knights and their respective students. However, as the years passed, the Miralukan padawan began to obtain a deeper understanding of Leask, particularly as the Sith threat to the Jedi Order grew exponentially. What Jekt perceived as an irrational array of emotions proved to be an unmeasurable amount of control over her master’s own raging emotions. Leask was a true force to be reckoned with, and during one particular engagement, Jekt watched the careful façade the Jedi Knight wore slip. The raw devastation left shook her, and they did not speak for nearly two weeks. Three years prior to Darth Sion’s defeat, and only a few short hours before Jekt would receive her title as Jedi Knight, both master and padawan found themselves ensnared within a growing conflict between the Sith and Jedi Order. Wounded during the battle, Jekt fell unconscious, unknowing of how long passed when she stirred enough to feel herself being carried. Dritta Leask’s gravelly voice muttered incoherently among the crackling sounds of fire and carnage. When Jekt awoke, she found herself adrift in a small vessel, her injured leg bandaged haphazardly, and Leask’s lightsaber clutched in her hands. Only upon careful inspection did the Miralukan see the damage that marred the previously glistening silver hilt, and the slip of crudely torn material stuffed within a deep gash. In rushed, shaky writing Jekt read the single most chilling message left by her master... “[i]Hide[/i]” Twenty-three years have come and gone since that day. Jekt did as instructed, tucking herself away on remote planets, though never staying in one place for too long. During her travels, the Miralukan found herself aboard the [i]Errant[/i], a craft captained by Loral Kydd, a woman who in many regards reminded Jekt of her old master. Kydd, along with her makeshift crew, were not mercenaries in the conventional sense. Their jobs were limited to search and rescues, transporting refugees, and medical supply runs. Jekt found a home on the [i]Errant[/i], using her Jedi training in subtle ways to help where she could – though concealing the extent of that power to the best of her ability, even going so far as to not openly use the lightsaber pike she crafted in the early years of her training. Eventually, Captain Kydd acknowledge Jekt as a Jedi Knight during a conversation over a particularly poorly crafted meal. Only Jekt reacted with surprise, though seeing the look of acceptance over Kydd’s and the entire crew’s face, she relaxed. Gradually, the Miralukan began to reconnect with the Jedi aspect of her nature. Over the next several years, she worked to improve her various abilities and refine the techniques taught to her by Dritta Leask. Jekt sat, isolated from the crew in her room, meditating for what felt like the first time in centuries. Time seemed to slip past without much notice, during which the Miralukan felt a familiar presence. The sensing of her old master caused her to jump suddenly from her meditative state. Nearly a fraction of a second later, Loral Kydd called for her. Their conversation was brief and left Jekt with a strange sense of dread. The [i]Errant[/i] was being called to a distant planet, Fevaver to help with the investigation of disappearing Jedi. While the preparations would take some time, Jekt decided to return to her meditations, hoping to once again feel the presence of Dritta Leask. Such an attempt failed, though that night the Miralukan was unable to find rest, being plague by strange dreams and odd images. When she awoke, Jekt once again felt Leask, as if he sought to communicate with her. In that moment, she realized that her master was somewhere on Fevaver. Having abandoned the Jedi Order, hiding as her master instructed, Jekt was unsure of what to do next. Nevertheless, she was certain of one thing. Fevaver was dangerous, and the [i]Errant[/i], along with her crew, did not belong there. After much deliberation, the Miralukan convinced Loral Kydd to remain a safe distance from the planet, though Jekt herself was required to take a personal craft down to the surface – as making sure she arrived safely was the least the captain could do. As Jekt approaches Fevaver, she does so not know in what capacity she joins the search for the missing Jedi. Her purpose for being there stems from the belief that in some form or fashion her old master must be connected… And in the hopes of once again being reunited with the man who taught her everything and saved her life nearly twenty years ago… [b][color=lightblue]Personality[/color][/b]: If Dritta Leask was the raging storm, Jekt was the tranquil pond. So polar where the two that, often, those around them questioned just who really was master and who in turn was the apprentice. This calm, patient nature of Jekt has not diminished over the decades following Leask’s disappearance. Though she has grown somewhat jaded with the world around her, the Miralukan is still a creature of optimism before allowing realism to take hold. Jekt is an observer, soft spoken in most settings, and arguably slow to act offensively. Such qualities translate to her training and style of combat. While capable of reading a situation quickly and making stunningly precise decisions in a moment’s notice, Jekt prefers a prolonged period of study, allowing herself ample time to make the best of any given situation. All-in-all, Jekt is a kind spirited woman, despite the hardships of the past two decades. She does not shy away from helping those in need, and believes there is no reason to distrust a stranger until given one. Jekt may be opinionated at times, though will rarely push an issue too far. In the end, she desires simply to make the galaxy a better, safer place – so long as doing so is within her power. [b][u][color=lightblue]Lightsaber[/color][/u][/b]: [b][color=purple]Lightsaber Pike[/color][/b]: Jekt’s personal lightsaber has arguably seen better days. Having been at times the Miralukan’s sole possession, the weapon is something of a tome detailing her travels over the last twenty-three years. Like Jekt, the otherwise unpolished pole of the pike is adorned in heavy cloth. Braided rope, decorated with odds and ends of various natures also add to the weapon’s already eccentric appearance. Jekt’s pike extends roughly a few inches’ shy of six feet. The blade ends precisely at eighteen inches in length, giving the Miralukan an overall impressive reach. Construction of the lightsaber pike was no easy task for the young Jekt, and she saw more than a few failures along the way. However, through her continued efforts, the end product was something of a masterpiece for the young padawan. The pike is crafted from lightsaber resistant metal, allowing Jekt to make full use of the pole, which became imperative as she furthered her training alongside Dritta Leask. The kyber crystal which drew her attention all those years ago took on a deep, violet hue – which in turn resulted in the vibrant purple blade that now sprouts from the top of the pike when activated. [b][color=gold]Dritta Leask’s Lightsaber[/color][/b]: Prior to falling into Jekt’s possession, the short hilted lightsaber, along with the small blade, was something of a marvel for the young Miralukan. Having watched Dritta on countless occasions execute flawless maneuvers which made the weapon appear deceptive in length, it was only once Jekt studied the lightsaber for herself that she realized there was little truly special about the device. This, of course, only served to further impress the Miralukan, leaving her in constant awe of her master’s overwhelming talent. Presently, Dritta’s lightsaber is carefully concealed within the confines of Jekt’s clothing. Having been damaged, Jekt managed only minor repairs – allowing the weapon to function, though just only. The yellow blade sputters and sparks, while the kyber crystal can be seen flickering erratically within the core of the hilt through the deep gash near the head of the device. Jekt carries her master’s lightsaber in memory of him saving her life. There have only ever been four occasions over the last two decades that the weapon has seen public use. Otherwise, the Miralukan trains with the weapon privately, and will often set the lightsaber before her while meditating. [b][color=lightblue]Lightsaber Form[/color][/b]: While much of Jekt’s initiate training focused on [i]Shii-Cho[/i], in later years the Miralukan began to study [i]Soresu[/i]. Given her already patient nature, the young Jekt naturally gravitated toward the defensive martial form with relative ease. While she pushed herself to excel, Dritta Leask pushed her even further than imagined. His aggressive form of fighting complimented Jekt’s defensive capabilities. With years of sparring between them, Jekt developed a sense for the style of [i]Ataru[/i], incorporating certain aspects into her highly defensive Soresu form. A similar impact could be seen in Dritta Leask. Since leaving the Jedi Order at the command of her master, Jekt has only informally practiced her skills with the lightsaber. Desiring to refrain from publicly revealing her true nature, the Miralukan often worked through mental battles, designing various scenarios and determining the best response to each situation, down to the subtlest detail. However, having recently been given the opportunity to freely train aboard the [i]Errant[/i], Jekt’s mental simulations have proven themselves invaluable, as she pushes herself to new heights in what is becoming a less civilized age. [b][u][color=lightblue]Equipment[/color][/u][/b]: ((Will handle this section as we approach the starting of the thread, as much of this will be decided as Jekt leaves the [i]Errant[/i])) [b][u][color=lightblue]Abilities[/color][/u][/b]: [b][color=silver]Lightsaber Mastery[/color][/b]: 6 [b][color=lightblue]Healing[/color][/b]: 2 [b][color=lightgreen]Force Mastery[/color][/b]: 4 [b][u][color=lightblue]Other Skills[/color][/u][/b]: [b][color=lightgray]Stealth[/color][/b]: Jekt has refined her ability to not only disappear, but move without being seen or heard. Not initially a talent well sought after during her time with Dritta Leask, much of her stealth capabilities have been developed through trial and error. Jekt, nevertheless, is a skilled stealth artist, and has blended her physical ability to hide and move quietly with her knowledge of the Force – going so far as to having talents in cloaking her own presence from other Force-sensitive individuals, let alone allowing others to feel just how strong the Force is within her. [b][color=lightgray]Hunting/Tracking[/color][/b]: Dritta was a skilled tracker and, in more than one way, often enjoyed hunting. While Jekt did not inherit the same love for hunting as her master, she did take this particular training quite seriously. These talents have been significantly refined over the past two decades, as they alone made the difference between eating or not on any given day. Jekt has knowledge in setting traps, often of the smaller variety, and usually designed to ensnare, not kill. Her connection to the Force does help increase the overall efficiency of her skills in hunting and tracking, but she does not rely on the Force alone for either. [b][color=lightgray]Linguist[/color][/b]: Jekt has traveled to many different planets and has encountered countless species along the way. While her full knowledge of any given language may be limited to a select few, she does possess the skills necessary to understand, even if just in part, many languages. This particular talent has only been refined over the last twenty-three years, though has been something well nurtured since her time at the Jedi Academy. [b][color=lightgray]Cartography[/color][/b]: Access to little or no real technology during many of her travels has given Jekt the knowhow of mapping out a given region in relatively fine detail. While the skill of cartography may be archaic in many regards, this talent has given Jekt a knack for noticing even subtle differences in the landscape around her. Differences that she can potentially use to her advantage, given the right situation. [b][color=lightgray]Miscellaneous[/color][/b]: This section covers basic or function skills that all Jedi may have. Additionally, Jekt has experienced a variety of strange and unlikely situations that have seen her understanding of the world around her grow unexpectedly. Such skills may, if applicable and within the realm of reason befitting her past experiences, play an important role in the trials to come. In essence, this covers most common talents and those odd pockets of knowledge every individual obtains over the years.