[center] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/b9ccaf251398039f0822701799ca752a/tumblr_inline_o0enbzclJj1qf0bzr_500.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/d31a0dd60afe188ba5cbd846aa720fe7/tumblr_inline_o0eo1xn9P31qf0bzr_500.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161121/4be2dd72904feace0b44720ab577398c.png[/img] [url=http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/211838474/id/0gmEZWuv5hGjEcbsNuhFfQ/size/l.jpg]outfit[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] The bell had already rang by the time Aaliyah had walked through the Delbrook Academy school doors. Glancing down at her cell phone, she saw that it was already fifteen minutes past seven. Here she was, on her very first day of tenth grade, and she was late. If it hadn't been for Tamera, he new foster mother, insisting that she drove her to her first day of school, she would have been right on time. Tamera drove [i]extremely[/i] slow that morning, so Aaliyah made a mental note to take the bus the next week instead. Since she was already late, Aaliyah saw no reason to rush. She took her sweet time walking around the school, and by the time she'd found the main office, a substantial amount of time had gone by. Nevertheless, she was excused by one of the administrators after he'd given her a class schedule. "It's your first day," he'd said, "I completely understand. Welcome to Delbrook, and I hope you have a wonderful first day." Aaliyah smiled sweetly and nodded, but rolled her eyes as soon as he turned his back. [color=maroon]"'Have a wonderful first day,'"[/color] she said mockingly as she left the office, [color=maroon]"yeah, right."[/color] Looking down at her schedule as she wandered the halls, Aaliyah saw that she had Mrs. Wiley for homeroom. As she made her way towards the room, she took a look at the rest of the papers that the administrator had given her: a school calendar, papers for her parent or guardian to sign, etc. Flipping through one of the sheets, she saw that just a couple of days before, there was a carnival. [color=maroon]"Maybe I should've come earlier,"[/color] she muttered to herself with a smirk. Two days earlier, instead of attending school, she'd been moving her things into her new home, and the day after she was being enrolled. Tamera had even taken her to the mall to get a few new outfits for school, so maybe she wouldn't be as bad as her previous homes. She'd told her twin brother all about it over the phone as soon as they got back, making sure that he wasn't too worried about her. When she finally reached the classroom, Aaliyah poked her head in for a second, taking a quick look around, before entering. The students were seated, some on their phones, some playing games, and some having conversations about what they were planning to do over the weekend. The woman that she assumed to be Mrs. Wiley was sitting at her desk, typing on her computer. Walking up to her desk, Aaliyah placed the excused tardy pass on the woman's desk and sighed. [color=maroon]"New student,"[/color] she said with a shrug, [color=maroon]"where do I sit?"[/color]