Oh boy do I have a story for you and you're gonna get it in greentext form because this is the only way I can communicate with other humans beings now. >be me >wake up >alarm hasn't gone off though >notice existence of stomach >oh yeah I'm definitely sick >go to Sea Cadets drill anyways (I have the option of not going because A: It's for kiddos and B: Navy not marines) >haha I'm sure I'll be fine >PT happens >yeah that was a thing >totally fine for like five minutes afterwards >form up for the end of it all >arms spaghetti >legs spaghetti >mom's spaghetti like what came out of me unpleasantly in the morning >vision dims >can't hear shit >collapse in front of entire fucking unit >don't do PT if you spent the morning crouched over the toilet and the drive over ejecting stomach acid onto the floor, kids