Alright guys, here me out: [b]You're stranded. You don't know where you are, or how this happened, but you're here, and you are definitely not safe. The place is a dump; all the buildings are collapsed, plants are on fire, and strange mutations and fusions of humans are wandering around, scrounging for any food around be it dead or alive. Survivors are either holed up somewhere, eventually eaten by the Mutations, or enslaved by other humans and Mutations. There is one group of survivors; The Hunters. They scavenge for food and water, swiftly avoiding the Mutations or other insane human beings. They protect and save the weak, and fight off anything they can. They are a small group, but they work together, whether they like it or not. In this rp, you are a Hunter. You save people, you hunt things; the family business. You have one ability that you use to kill the insane people and Mutations. But what is it? Telekinesis? Special eyesight? That is for you to figure out.[/b] _________ So, yeah. This rp is where the world has crashed down thanks to some scientist who thought that fusing humans into monsters was a fantastic idea. They reeked havoc on everything and blew stuff up, ate some humans, and smashed some corpses against a wall. Thus the cities falling, thus the Apocalypse. I know there are probably some other rps similar to this one, but I just wanted to post the idea and see what some of you think. If at least 4 people like this idea and want to do it, I'll post in the Free Roleplay section. It will probably be more detailed if I were to post it in that section. [hider=CS] Name (go crazy with this one): Appearance (picture or words it's up to you): Age (at least older than 13; I don't want 8 year olds killing horrific Mutations): Gender (you could maybe have robots? The idea is still kind of lending, but you would have to also have your maker’s name below the actual name): Personality (from peacemaker to psycho, I don't care): Backstory [Optional (not really mandatory, but it might help me and other rpers to understand the character)]: Special Talents (whether it's swordplay to cooking, it's fine. at least three): Inventory (does your character have anything important to them? put it here): Likes (what makes them happy or calm?): Dislikes (what makes them want to bash someone's head into a wall): [/hider]