Marabelle stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed as Sebastian turned on his heel and left the room. Elijah was hunched over on himself, his face shadowed, angry at not only himself, but at Sebastian for forcing him to do what he just did. Regardless of however long he had held out, the Captain always got his way. It was only a matter of time before he gave in. Feeling Josephine's weight shift on the bed next to him and then her soft touch, his anger prickled even further. "Don't." He said, his voice dangerously soft. "No pity, please.." He couldn't even bring himself to look up at her, his emotions verging on breaking free of his carefully constructed control. Standing without another sound, Elijah pushed from the room, needing to be away from everything. His body was too broken to do anything for himself at the moment, but space would help. Frowning, Marabelle watched him leave as well before turning to Josephine. "It would be best to let him go right now. Shall we help tidy up the dining room?" She knew the look that was on the other woman's face as it had often been on her own when she she was still learning what it meant to be involved with a pirate.