[color=92278f][h3][center]~Isurta~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Burning. An intense heat. Like a miniature sun burning away everything, body and soul. [i]Pain[/i]. What was going on? She didn't have a clue. She had no idea where she was or what she was doing. There was just pain, heat, and a bright light bearing down upon her. She wished it was over. The burning and brightness would go away, fade into the background. But even then, there was one question she wanted desperately to know. [i]What was it?[/i] She attempted to reach out...at least, she [i]thought[/i] she did. But she didn't have arms. ...that couldn't be right, could it? Where did... Suddenly the light flickered out, darkness giving her blessed relief from the burning and intense light. The cold sensation becoming quite welcoming to her. However, with the darkness came only more questions. She had arms...but...no matter how hard she could, she couldn't move them. Why? She tried moving the rest of her body, but it was a fruitless effort. [i]why?[/i] Some might have panicked, but only more questions plagued her. [i]Where?[/i] Or even [i]when[/i] was this? She couldn't think of how she got here. In fact, try as she might she couldn't answer a single, very important question. ....[i]who?[/i] Tried as she might, she couldn't answer any of these questions. Annoyance. Then exhaustion. She felt exhausted. Thinking became difficult, despite the questions pounding in her head. Maybe...maybe she should rest...sleep. Yes, that sounded good. Maybe if she slept, she could answer the questions when she woke. [color=8dc73f]"Come little ones time to wake up"[/color] Then a voice. He sounded old. A bit tired like her, maybe? Raspy at least. Curious, was there someone else in this darkness? Sluggishness and exhaustion still plagued her mind. Like she was on a bad drug trip. [i]What?[/i] She had no idea what that was and the thought was quickly lost to the recesses of her mind. There was one more very important question she wanted answered at the moment. Who was speaking in this vast darkness. Wait. It wasn't dark. She had her eyes closed. Odd. She could have sworn she had them open. She attempted to open them, but they felt heavy. Like weights were holding them down, making it difficult for them to open. She wasn't one to back down from a challenge if one presented itself though, was she?...she didn't know. She couldn't remember. Wherever the odd thought came from, she forced her eyes open. Blinding light again as her eyes adjusted. She quickly shut them again, somewhat fearful of it, but the question remained unanswered and she opened them again slower this time. She was...in some sort of rocky structure. A cave? The word seemed appropriate. She was laying down too, it seemed. She was sleeping then? Well that would explain the lack of being able to move then. It was silly to attempt moving during sleep. Even now she was awake though, her entire body still felt slightly numb. Like it was still asleep. Well, she'd have to wake it then. She forced herself to a sitting position, slightly unbalanced on her numb limbs. She looked down, a bit surprised at what she saw. The ground was incredibly close, and she was sporting green skin. Before she could even ask the question, a word entered her head like a bell answering it. [i]Goblin[/i] ...She didn't know what she was expecting, but she was a goblin. She tilted her head towards the sound of the voice that had spoken. It was an older looking goblin. Maybe he could answer her questions. ...what were her questions again? She couldn't recall but she wanted to get the older goblins attention so she could ask something regardless. Violet eyes stared over at the older goblin in a sleepy manner. [color=92278f]"...goob?"[/color] Wait...that wasn't right. That was not words. ...what were words again?