Toshiko paused for only a moment when she saw the girl lying on her couch. Ah, her... currently single employee, and rather ironically part of an organized crime family. However, that was not the sort of crime that the redheaded mage had formed this agency in order to counteract. Besides, she was hardly about to protest at being employed to teach someone magic, especially if it allowed her to have assistance on cases. She eyed the tea for only a moment before responding. "I think I'd enjoy a cup of tea," she said, simply, before putting her cigarette in her mouth and taking another long drag. After a moment, she took it out, and the smoke curled into the air. Ah, such a grey, dreary day... not at all reflective of the relative optimism that had risen in the woman's heart. After all, she had a case, at last. Funds were running particularly thin... "But aside from that," she continued, raising the case file, "We've got a new case. They've been in contact since last night. It's a theft, and they're pretty eager to get us down there." She offered the file to the yakuza princess.