Cecilia nodded simply as she listened to Aki. Cloud watching sounded appealing on its own. But the thought of shaping the clouds like they were another artistic medium really intrigued her. She trifled around with few strands of hair. There were plenty of good days, yet it felt difficult to pick and choose a single event as being the best. Still, simply saying she couldn't decide didn't feel right either. "Hmm... I'm not sure if I'd say it's the best memory I have," she admitted, pondering where to begin. "It happened while I was in middle school. I was new to the school and hadn't told anyone about my power at the time. I was trying to lay low for the first couple of weeks, not really trying to draw attention to myself. After classes, I always passed by this large oak tree and I would often see this one girl play around it. Her name was Rebekah and she was kind of a loner; the only time I ever saw her having fun was while she was playing by herself around that tree. Then one day, a group of boys were playing roughly with the tree, tearing pieces of it off and marking it, things like that. I just stood there watching them..." She sounded somber for a moment, evidently not very proud of herself. "But after they left, I noticed Rebekah go back to the tree. She looked sad, climbing the tree and... well it looked like she was comforting an old friend. She hugged it even talked to it. She was sweet like that..." Cecilia recalled fondly. "When I saw that, I finally worked up the courage to talk to her. It was the day we became good friends," she concluded, happy that she had the chance to share the story, all things considered.