SCI-FI SETTING 1x1 or 1x1x1 A small crew out in space looking for a new planet to colonise in deep space - or looking for resources for an already existing colony. I'd quite like to explore the loneliness and in crew dynamics that would come with being in the microclimate caused by a long, isolating journey. The crew may find a planet and land in an attempt to explore the surface, or simply find various meteors and asteroids to mine for resource. 1x1 or 1x1x1 A small crew out in space on a mission to answer a distress beacon for an abandoned ship or space installation/facility. I have a few horror themed instances planned for this roleplay (think Alien and Doom). The crew are rescue trained, prepared for the unexpected but they were not ready for what they found. 1x1 or 1x1x1 A small crew of smugglers (Han Solo/Firefly crew types) making a living in deep space. Think Futurama but a little more on the serious side. I'd like to play with the concept of AI in this roleplay. MODERN SETTING 1x1 or 1x1x1 A small group of friends out in the wilderness for a camping trip but it all goes to hell. Along the way they face wild animals, the elements and hunger. The aim of this is to see how your character adapts and to explore the spirit of human companionship in adversity. (They don't necessarily have to be on a camping trip, perhaps they are trapped in the wild as the result of an accident). 1x1 A pair of detectives struggling to do the right thing in a city crawling with corruption. The two are trying to solve a case involving a particularly nasty serial killer. (I'm very happy to adapt themes for this roleplay. It could be an episodic type roleplay, with each proverbial chapter exploring a different case. It could have multiple cases running through the course of the roleplay with the ultimate end game goal of catching the serial killer. OR it could focus on the corruption element, with either or both characters being involved with situations that they shouldn't be). 1x1 or 1x1x1 A crew or pair of individuals looking to run a couple heists. Where this goes is up to us. Whether they rob one bank, or decide to become professionals doesn't matter. Maybe the characters end up running the crime network of their local city. I'd like to play around as the 'bad guys' in a modern setting (GTA but in the written word). FANDOM SETTING DC UNIVERSE 1x1 The seduction of Dr. Harleen Quinzel into Harley Quinn by the Joker. I want to roleplay the sessions that rocked Harleen's world and changed her into the black and red jester we all know and love (I think she's great). I'd like someone to take up the mantle of the Joker and help me explore how these sessions would play out. I've written a lot of material for her character development and even a couple of starter posts but I've never been able to get into the Joker's mind. If you're interested in this idea PLEASE let me know. I desperately want to try it. 1x1 Harley Quinn's recovery and self-discovery with her friend and support aid, Poison Ivy. Though I find the JokerXHarley relationship and dynamic intriguing I don't think it's the healthiest relationship going. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy however are a bunch of cute fun. I'd like to play through a couple of heists courtesy of the girls. Maybe add in a little fluff too. DRAGON AGE UNIVERSE 1x1 Set during Dragon Age: Origins - a survivors of the blight storyline. Ferelden refugees and their hardships regarding camping, bandit confrontations and the ever impending threat of darkspawn.