[center][img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1399181944r/9518928.jpg[/img][h1][i][color=palevioletred]Claudia Aluredes[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Wick][/sub][/center] [color=palevioletred]"Yeah. He's my only family."[/color] Claudia responded and let Alex lead her back to the car. She slid into the passenger seat with not so much as a complain. While it would have made her grumble, she didn't as her mind drifted onto something else. She was silent the whole trip. [i]Crimson Keepers...[/i] She's heard of the name before but she couldn't quite place where. Should she join the pack just because Caius was in it? If she did join the pack, wouldn't she end up fighting vampires? What of Alex? She blinked when she realized that she was already considering Alex into her future plans. A vampire. And one she had only met a few hours ago. Was it possible that she had imprinted on him? She shook her head. No, she couldn't possibly have. She has always expected to imprint on a fellow wolf. Imprinting on a vampire was nothing short of impossible. What she was feeling now was just lust. Yeah, that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Her train of thought was broken when the car slowed down in front of a large house. [color=palevioletred]"Looks like you live in style,"[/color] she said in response to Alex. The vampire she had seen Alex speaking to in the pub was also there. She unhooked her seat belt and was about to open the car door when Alex beat her to it. She chuckled. A vampire being a gentleman to a werewolf. Claudia stepped into the house and marveled at how large it was. Her curious nature made her want to explore. But apparently, Alex had other plans. She could barely react when he swooped down and began kissing her. At the touch of his lips to hers, she felt herself automatically heat up. She wrapped her legs around his waist when he lifted her up. She tangled her fingers into his hair as he brought her to his room. Her lust was at its peak even before the door shut behind them. ((It's okay. :sun))