[@Jin Of Mana] [centre][hider=Hul'na Shi][b]Notice:[/b] This location is West of what used to be MiddleSeed, further West from Thalburn. It leads to the deep circumference of the Thalburn Kingdom, the Ring Forest. [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/bc6a/i/2013/060/2/5/ruins_by_iidanmrak-d5wmt54.jpg[/img] [h3][color=gray]"Despite being an Instrument for the War, it still is the most peaceful place of the Realm."[/color][/h3] [hr] [b]Name[/b] Outpost `Hul'na Shi` - [i]Rabbit's Hole[/i] [b]Human or Magi Settlement[/b] Depending on the occupants, but mostly mixed. [b]Allignment[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Population[/b] Thorp - Used to have space for 16, but numbers are limited based upon post-battle uses. [b]Government[/b] [u]Rank Superiority[/u] - Because of its function during the original time of operation, and what it should be used as in the future, the highest ranking authority designated in this posting area would've made most of the decisions, though could be over-ruled by visiting authorities or high-classed messages. [b]Qualities[/b] [u]Out of Sight[/u] - The outpost was amongst the seven hidden advancement Ouposts (Or HAOs) that were used for quick deployment of guerrilla units during raids, as well as providing small hiding spots to lose the heat. With four of them being discovered in the past, Outposts Ny' Rek, Kilae Hydad, Rims and Hul'na Shi remained. They were so well hidden, that only individuals posted there for a while were able to find them, even from the Rebellion itself. Surviving Rebels sometimes have trouble finding the other bases themselves. [u]Shelter from Weather[/u] - Due to the structure having a mix of stone, wood, metal and clay materials for construction, as well as being mostly underground, the outpost is sturdy. It has the ability to survive strong weathers, though on rare occasions flooding can be an issue. With the Thalburn weather generally being quite balanced and scheduled, it allows the predicted construction to suit its environment. [u]Strategic Location[/u] - Very self explanatory. This location was chosen and constructed so to serve the rebels in the best way possible. It is difficult to come across, has a natural camouflage shielding and provides a lot of safety from natural military operators. [b]Terrain[/b] Dense foliage and forestry that covers the surrounding area for a vast distance. [b]Dangers[/b] [u]The Wild[/u] - The Ring Forest has had the general reports of occasional, and dangerous, wildlife roaming in the parts of the West and North. There were some cases of Dire animals, both predatory and prey-like, that moved around. There'd only been one issue with a Dire creature invading and killing half of the occupants. [u]Past Threats[/u] - With the war not technically being over, it still is under the potential threat of the Thalburn Military. Though still, it is limited due to their lack of knowledge, they are aware that four outposts are still around. Whether or not the other outposts are still active is questionable. [b]Imports/Exports[/b] The General supplies of the Ty' Un used to provide enough food supplies and materials when needed, which needs to be requested for through a Thalburn New-Age Messaging equipment (Similar to Morse Code). Currently, there has not been any supplies led in since the last operator met whatever fate. [b]Specialised Jobs[/b] Reconnaissance - Hit 'n' Run Tactical Support - Information Gathering - Espionage - Shelter [b]Character Origins/Backstory[/b] Fae Nikia served most of his time in Outpost Hul'na Shi for the majority of the Thalburn Rebellion. Serving several years amongst his team of 21, Fae called this his official home, despite him living in both Alfheim (His birthplace) and spending many years in MiddleSeed. It still has his running equipment, and some of the notes he left behind, calling for a very nostalgic and peaceful location. [b]Summary[/b] Outpost Hul'na Shi was, and still is, a Ty' Un Rebellion outpost designed to house a small Detachment of Guerrilla fighters for quick deployment, espionage, and sheltering without any hassle of the Thalburn with reduced threats. Being amongst the original Seven of the Ring Forest, these were designed to house only specially trained and equipped detachments designed to survive the harsh conditions, wildlife and threat of the Thalburn that the Forest had to deal with. The land was hard to live in, and the shelters provided the safety, comfort and practicality for their uses. It, though empty when found by Fae once more, cannot be recalled for when it was unofficially decommissioned, during the refuge of the Ty' Un, though notes and nostalgic, and melancholic, memoirs left around the base may give it some answers. The base is mostly underground, having a sustainable farming location up top, as well as a makeshift, successful ventilation system for those who live below. Quite advanced for its time, though it could be considered modern now, it has proven itself numerous times. Housing dormitories, cooking locations, tunnels for escape and entrance, storage and sanitation, its design allowed detachments to spend months, even years, posted here. [/hider] [/centre]