Helena sat back against the log, now on the dirt floor. It was nice to feel the dark brown, rich dirt against your palms. She listened to Aki's and Cecilia's memories, trying to figure out which one she wanted to share. Her better memories usually didn't involve her powers like Aki's not did they involve friends like Cecilia's. In the end, out of all of her memories she had stored, her favorite one did include friends and powers. "My best memory would be when I was younger, maybe fifth grade. There was this sleepover and I was invited. The parents let their daughter, I can't remember her name, invite friends and 'camp out' in the living room with tents. So, we told campfire stories around a flashlight. A lot of the stories had killer bears, so I went out to 'use the bathroom' and made my hand a best claw," Helena transformed her hand to demonstrate, "Once I was coming back, I heard them talking about how scary bears are. I gave my best roar and ran my hand on the tent. It tore, and so I ran back to the bathroom, but all of the girls were screaming! It was the best." Helena looked at her transformed hand and laughed a bit, remembering the memory.