I have decided to send this to you first so that I do not clutter the thread should this be not good enough. Well, is it good enough? [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/289c9559516095a498274718f7101012/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v496/nightmareangel21/Fiendish_person.jpg[/img] Name: Alenios Titles: Count of Sibiu, The Bloody Count(much to his pleasure) Race: Vampire (First Generation) Age: 680 years old Physical Appearance: (If you don't have an image or simply wish to add more detail) Biography: Alenios, also known as the Bloody Count in Nocturne for his rather bloody way of killing his enemies, is the current count of Sibiu and has been for the past 33 years, being appointed as Count at the same time that Amelia was appointed as Duchess of Transylvania, most likely thanks to her own influence as an Elder Vampire. Before being appointed as Count of Sibiu, there was little historical information on this First Generation Vampire other than him being one of her closest bodyguards and advisers during the conquest of the province. However, it was as soon as he became count that he showed who he truly was. While in court he is as refined as one can be with all the mannerisms of a nobled, on the battlefield he is a Vampire who wants nothing more than to achieve the complete destruction of Amelia's enemies and by extension, his enemies. Thanks to this attitude, he always accompanies Amelia on her campaigns outside the province and commands quite a large amount of troops to crush all her enemies in her name. In Nocturne he is both respected and somewhat feared by other lords and counts, human or otherwise, though humans tend trust him a whole deal less for his brutality in war. However, what people have questioned about him often is his loyalty towards Amelia, not that he lacks said loyalty, is that he is too loyal to her, if such a thing ever existed. And Amelia repaid his loyalty in kind, he is now her most trusted count and adviser when it comes to matters of war and a very close friend of hers. Her trust towards him is great enough for people to even spread rumors that the two are actually secretly lovers, much to his amusement. Additional Information: As the Count of the border county of Sibiu, a great deal of fighting is to be done here, resulting in his regular troops to be more experienced than their counterparts in other sides of Nocturne. [u][b]Province/County[/b][/u] Name of Province: Sibiu Name of Provincial Capital: Sibiu Population: 15.000 Military Size: 2.500 Military Info: Alenios' elite, called the Blood Guard are formed mostly of light cavalry and heavy infantry regiments with a few archers put in more for support than for actual battle. All of the men in the Blood Guard must have vampire blood - no matter how much - in order to be able to join the Blood Guard. They are usually split into regiments of 250 men each. Economy Info: The city of Sibiu is one of the few more industrial cities of Transylvania, as the bordering mountains provide the city with many minerals such as cooper and iron and even a few silver and gold deposits, making the small city quite rich compared to several cities from the province. As in the case with the rest of Transylvania, most of the lands around the city are mostly villages and hamlets, with one or two small castles and military outposts dotting the borders of the county. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cd/b5/68/cdb5687281544a372719c01a05ba9641.jpg[/img]