[@Bright_Ops] Good, but just add a few flaws, what does he really hate? What breaks his calm façade? What does he not do right? Or what does he do too right? Of all his features, which will get him killed? You don't have to answer all those questions, but do that, I'll be willing to accept it, just so long as you remember that you're playing a fresh faced [i]16 year old boy.[/i] I wouldn't expect him to run from bandits, but you'll be facing far more than bandits. A lot of Fortunes development across his adventures should probably be overcoming his fear, which should be interesting! (A description of the De Vigny crest would be good to!) Also, I'd like to remind people that it's all well and good having a horse and plate armour when you're traipsing across the prairie, but when we go to Lustria, there will be swamps, and heat, and really dense woodland. Horses and armour will end up more of a hindrance than a help.