I didn't go back and revise my post. I'll over it tomorrow and fix anything really terrible. Other than that, I know it's pretty bland and there's a lot of detail I left out. Feel free to fill in anything you like. A few notes: [@Xan the G] It ends abruptly so you can play the departure however you wish and he can be off on his way. I also wanted to keep it open that he could choose to wear after the shower xP [@c3p-0h][@Prints Avoid] So I changed the way it plays out in the "foyer." Stranger enters, Joy and Diego take him to bathroom. Joy sends Diego to find Mrs. James, runs into Haven on the way, then the rest of it. I just wanted to make sure it was clear. If either of you disagree/dislike it, we can discuss it and I'll make appropriate changes. [@DepressedSoviet] I didn't throw anything at you other than that interaction more because I want to see how he'd react and what he'll do after. ^^ That picture was because I didn't want to write out a description. xP [@Kymera] I want to see how "Brawls" work (I'm just calling it that since I don't really know what else to call it). I didn't add a Pokemon for her since I want that to be up to you. And those "warnings/threats" were not made lightly, by the way. ;)