Looking for something dramatic: Premise: [i]Our characters had been dating for several months, but recently broke up. My character, older and more experienced, had grown distant, spending all of his time working and just being too busy for you at all. Dismissive of your character's concerns and too busy to even talk about the problems, your character has finally gotten fed up and broken up with him. A few days have passed, he's now texted to say he's on his way to drop off some of some of your character's things that were left at his apartment.[/i] Looking For: [i]Casual length and advanced writing. Quantity =/= quality, and too many writers take the purple prose approach to storytelling. Being descriptive is good and I've encountered many people lately that are quite good at conveying emotion and setting, but I've encountered just as many that pad their poses with irrelevant fluff and speculation and rambling narrative that is jarring and not at all conducive to immersion. Do you; just know that if you think 5 paragraphs of nothing is better than 3 paragraphs of substance because of length, I'm not interested.[/i] Ideally: Your character would be just-graduated from High School, I have a thing for naive/impressionable characters. I'm looking for a scene that is largely a long, drawn-out argument; if you've ever had a seriously bad breakup with someone you still love but cannot tolerate any longer - that's what I'm looking for. Don't judge me, just PM me. [color=9E2208]| 18+ | Mature | PMs Only | MxM | Romance | Insert other dodgy warnings here |[/color] No longer seeking partners, thank you!