[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] Keisuke glanced over towards the two people Atalanta was referring to and sighed. There was no way to confirm nor deny her statement, but even so, using the term 'men' instead of just 'people' felt demeaning. Though the intent behind her wariness was justified, the Enforcer couldn't help but smile bitterly in return. "Well, I'll take your advice to heart, then, Atalanta. Even so, there's no need to generalize that broadly; not all men are blindly consumed by desire and greed. At the same time, though, I can't say that not all people are devoid of desire. Well, in the end it's more a matter of scale than anything, but I'll try to prove to you that I don't fall under the category that you so despise," he said, continuing to consume his meal at a much more controlled pace compared to his Servant. The fact that Atalanta dropped an entire pint of ice cream on her pie caused him to pause for a moment, eyeing the spectacle with a bit of confusion and amusement before returning to his meal. That was interrupted once more, however, when the Archer began to eat the dessert. The shocked gasp that she let out caused Keisuke to turn toward her. The ears and tail that were perked up caused him to raise an eye out of curiosity, but when he saw her eating the pie at a much slower pace than she had the boar, the entire situation made much more sense. "Tasty, isn't it? If you like it so much, I might just have to learn how to make some myself," he laughed as he turned back to his food, which by this point was almost finished off. "So, on a more serious note... Who do you think would be best to cooperate with? We're all allies on this mission, but there's a difference between a travelling companions and a person you can trust, if you get what I mean." [h2][center]Sakata Kintoki[/center][/h2] Kintoki continued mowing through the leg of boar before noticing Svetleaze's apparent reaction towards his method of eating. Though the idea of 'manners' had been floated around by Yorimitsu while Kintoki had worked as a retainer, they hadn't stuck as well as they should have. Maybe it was because his lord back then had been a bit too lax...? Yeah, totally. He didn't quite [i]get[/i] why something like that mattered, except that maybe it'd mean that people would look at his Master in a more respe- Oh. That was it, wasn't it? With that thought in mind (for however long it'd last), Kintoki began to slow down the pace at which he tore through the meat, carefully sneaking glances at his Master through his sunglasses to make sure she wasn't [i]too[/i] annoyed by him. It was at this point, though, that he noticed another burly man staring at him from the other side of the room. It didn't [i]seem[/i] to be any sort of hostile, but since he was still wary of Svetleaze's opinion on making or breaking friendships, Kintoki turned to the Servant in question and flashed a grand smile as a sign of goodwill before turning back to his food. Maybe with some small talk, he could get his Master to open up a bit more. He at least noticed the giant weapon she was carrying around, but she was a magus, right? Magical shenanigans and all that? Maybe something about that might help. ... Or he could ask about why this place felt so... Shiny. Not gold-shiny, mind you, but shiny nonetheless. It was [i]weird.[/i] "So, uh... Why are all these magi strollin' around a place like this, anyways? Doesn't seem like the sorta thing you expect... Y'know?"