[color=fff200]Day 345 4pm[/color][center][h1] [color=00aeef]Matthew Hyatt[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/tumblr_m85eur5BQY1qfx6p6_zpst9sieylr.jpg[/img][/center] Ingrid knocked on Matt's door even though she knew what was going on behind it.[color=a2d39c] "Matt!" [/color]Ingrid ran her hand through her hair impatiently and she went to knock again and he wrenched the door open and came out. Matt's hair hung down past his shoulders, he was shirtless and his jeans were on but the belt was not buckled. Ingrid didn't expect to have thoughts on this but seeing him like that made her shiver just a little. [color=a2d39c]"Holy shit man do ya realize ya look like a model like that?"[/color] Matt was in no mood for being away from Sasha but this made him grin a little. [color=00aeef]"Yeah well this model was celebrating his engagement so what the fuck do you need Ingrid?"[/color] Ingrid got serious and said, [color=a2d39c]"Do ya remember what I told ya about the gasoline?"[/color] Matt stood up a little straighter. [color=00aeef]"Yes, is it happening? Is it all of them?"[/color] Ingrid didn't want to tell him. It was terrible news for them. [color=a2d39c]"Aye, it's all of them. We got the engine started and then we had to walk back when the engine seized up. We've checked every car on the lot and there is nothing. It's been too long. There is a shelf life on gasoline and it appears we have hit it. That means there won't be usable fuel anywhere. We are going to have to leave the school soon."[/color] Matt said, [color=00aeef]"Announce a meeting at 7pm in the cafeteria but say nothing about the subject matter."[/color] Ingrid went to the PA system closest. [color=a2d39c]"Attention everyone. There is a mandatory meeting in the cafeteria at 7pm tonight."[/color] She waited five minutes and made the announcement again. She cringed as Matt went to the gym. Once there he bashed the bags for a good ten minutes in hopes of finding the strength to tell his love that she was not going to be safe in the school during her pregnancy but that she would be out in the open praying that she would be safe constantly and with a one year old to boot. Matt's frustration was unreal and he took it out on the bags. Nikki had been in her room but close to the door when Ingrid had shown up. They had spoken closer to her door than Matt's and she knew now what was making Ingrid so tense lately and her stomach turned to knots. She put on some clothes and made her way slowly down the hall towards the gym. She was wondering how they were going to do this with a bunch of pregnant women and a toddler and infant. She opened the door just as Matt's punch exploded the largest bag in there. She saw him drop to his knees and hang his head. Nikki could only waddle carefully over to him.[color=f49ac2] "I heard Ingrid."[/color] Matt nodded. [color=00aeef]"I don't know what to do Nik. What if I can't protect them?"[/color] Nikki put her hand on his shoulder and he stood up and turned towards her and he put his arms around his sister for reassurance. She silently wondered the same thing. She had to get back into the gym and train as soon as possible. She hugged her brother back and said [color=f49ac2]"We'll find a way."[/color] [hr] [@josephb][@caits][@dabombjk][@wildrose][@king tai]