[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Sasha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] The knocking on the door caused Sasha to sigh softly, and she curled up quite contentedly on the bed, watching Matt go to the door. She wondered what could have happened now, and whatever it was, Matt didn't come back. She sat up, running a hand through her hair, and sighed again. For a short time, it had seemed like everything would be completely okay. That they would be...safe here, for however long it took to...clear the world. An idealistic dream, to be sure. She lay a hand on her stomach, swallowing. She tried to think, to figure out how far along she was. Sometimes the weeks blurred into one. 6, 7 weeks? No longer then that. She was sure about that. She thought on her unborn child, Gracie. What would they do, if they had to leave the school? They had a baby as well, little Josh. Yet as the annoucement came on, Sasha knew it was important. She knew that the months they'd spent here could well be at an end. And she was glad she had planned ahead. The boxes of medical supplies could easily be carried, or transferred to packs. The same with the food, the clothes. It wouldn't take long to do that, and that was the essentials. Suddenly weary, Sasha rose, and she went to Grace, she watched the girl sleep. Galahad looked up at her, giving her a doggy smile. Sasha gave him a pat. There was so much she wanted. Just some time. That was all. Leaving Grace sleeping, Sasha went to find Matt, wanting to know what they were facing.