Suddenly, someone kicked down the door leading to Kayden in a manner that would be considered incredibly dramatic by anyone who witnessed it. The person who had done so was Tiny, the member in Hobnob's crew who had suffered considerable leg injuries during the ogre fight on the bridge that Hobnob and his crew had been hiding near for the majority of the 1st mission. After being tended to by Doctor Diminutive, the part of his leg that couldn't be saved was replaced with a prosthesis that was enchanted in a way that allowed Tiny to dramatically kick down doors more efficiently, kind of like how he did so just now. Why would he do such a thing, you ask? Well stay tuned readers. For the shocking answer will be revealed in the next action packed paragraph of this post. After kicking down the door in a manner most dramatic, Tiny moved aside to reveal a stool wielding Hobnob. "Excellent kick, Tiny" Hobnob said as he stepped though the ruined doorway with a deadly serious expression of intense determination "Now go wait by the cart. Kayden and I must speak alone". Once Tiny had left, Hobnob walked over to the table, placed the stool down, and stood on it so that the table wasn't taller than him. "Kayden, I require the assistance of your roguish friend" Hobnob declared "Tiny and I are trying to find help for a project my crew and I have going on at Hillcrest, but Tiny and I easily lose our sense of direction in urban environments and get lost. Therefore, we need your friend's help in finding people with experience in making wacky inventions that preferably don't explode. Also don't worry about the door, it will repair itself when no one is looking".