Hey everyone, sorry this took me longer to get up than I expected! Today was HECTIC! [hider=Delondia] Name: Delondia Epithets: Silver-Eyed Delondia, The Bright-Eyed, The Far-Seeing. The Oracle. Age: 19. (And still unmarried? Woe!) Gender: Female. Appearance: Delondia is the shining example of Greek beauty boasting a long, slender form draped in twisting scarfs. Her off-white tunic is traced with their bright colors and flowing textures. Her cascading, black curls are most frequently pulled into a loose, lazy bun at the back of her neck with bangs twisted to outline her high hairline. She frequently wears another scarf tied around her bun or shaped into a hood, hiding all but those twisted bangs. Her sharp cheekbones and joined brow perfectly outline bright, shining silver eyes. Many find themselves drawn to her eyes, some claiming it’s like looking into the kind eyes of Athena The Owl-Eyed herself, others finding Delondia’s gaze sharp and cold. Her long, arched nose points to small but plump lips, often curled into a thoughtful pout. The woman seemed forever thoughtful, spending her days in quiet reprieve, hands clasped behind her back and silver eyes staring blankly to the horizon. Personality: Strangers rarely see anything but Delondia’s quiet side, or her Priestess airs. Much thought and time goes into every word she says, often causing her to pause for great lengths before responding to even simple questions. When acting the part of the priestess, her voice lowers to a godly tenure, eyes half-lidded and rolling as she enters into her prophetic space. She allows herself to relax around friends, however, and those who know her well see her as a woman who’s full to the brim of lame jokes and doofy puns- another product of her forever thinking mind. If given the time, she will tease anyone she’s with, always with a shy, crooked half-smile and a twinkle in her silver eyes. Bio: Delondia was born silent, her eyes closed tight. Her parents cried that bright autumn morning, their wails and prayers of anguish filling the air of their small home. The next sun dawned and found a familiar scene, and the next, and the next. They feared for their firstborn, sure she was blind or dumb, they begged The Gods for guidance: they had little money to feed a child who could do nothing for herself, did they need to sacrifice her to pave the way for another, stronger baby? The morning of the fourth day a stranger came to their home, the bells on her robes chiming as she stepped proudly inside. Without a word she swept the silently sleeping baby from her cradle and planted a silent kiss to her forehead. The baby awoke with a start, the unknown sound of her sobs filling the house as her eyes finally opened, reflecting the bright silver of the strangers. Her mother stepped forward, tears pouring from her own brown eyes as she held her arms out for her beautiful baby. Her parents never questioned that their daughter was blessed by Athena that cold morning. As a young child she was sent to study at the temples, soon proving herself to be a bright child worthy of the Goddess’ blessing. Around the age of 12, Delondia was sent to the Temple at Delphi where she was trained as an oracle. The youngest in remembered time, she quickly became the most requested (much to the rue of the older, better trained women). The fumes of the earth painted pictures in her mind, showing the will and the wants of the Gods. Soon people came from all around to ask the child with Athena’s eyes how to live. Over the years of seeing the futures of heroes and kings alike, Delondia became wistful for her own grand future. When news of the battle in Troy ((if that is what we’ve decided to do)) hits her ears, she slips away in the depth of the night to join the war party, bringing nothing but her handmaiden (Who else would carry her clothes?!) and dreams of becoming a heroic war-bard. Though the temple overseers tried desperately to bring her back home, the young Delondia held her ground. It was time for her to live her own divine heritage. Skills: Delondia’s greatest skills lie with prophesy, but it’s far from the only thing she was taught. She’s a poet and a bard, with a marked skill in manipulating a crowd of any size. She can control the emotion of a room and make others follow her word… when she bothers to speak, that is. She can read and write, rare skills for the time. She knows politics and geography and has a basic grasp on physics and philosophy. She was also trained in basic self defense and keeps a light knife hidden in the scarfs at her hips. Greatest Strength: Delondia’s prophetic skill is already known throughout the land, she is a prodigy of The Gods and will go down in history as one of the many proofs that they existed. After all, if there were no gods to bless and whisper to her, how could she so clearly see the future? Greatest Flaw: Without knowing how or why, Delondia finds herself a deep addict. The fumes she sat over for so many years have clouded her mind, altering her perceptions of self until she doesn’t feel normal while in her natural mind. The combination of this and a life spent worshiping her impulses, she partakes desperately of anything that can alter her head-space. Some days, withdrawal symptoms hit her, leaving her headachy or unable to function because of the visions she can not step away from. Though she may not know it, she is likely to die at the hands of an overdose or a jilted stranger, furious at her for hogging all the good stuff. Red Tunic: Agea Agea Is Delondia’s loyal handmaiden. She has followed happily to war, deeply in love with the oracle, at times envious, at others in awe. Only a couple years her senior, the two grew up together; Agea was assigned to care for Delondia the moment she entered the temple. Agea is shorter, stockier, with none of the good genes that gifted Delondia with her good looks. She has been trained as a cook, cleaner, and a seamstress, charged with taking care of every aspect of Delondia’s life that wasn’t spiritual in nature. The two have been together for so long that Delondia takes Agea’s presence completely for granted. If she suddenly found herself without her lifelong companion, Delondia wouldn’t know what to do with herself. The grief would come as an utter surprise, she never gave the older girl as much attention as she herself got. [/hider]