[@Varicke][@ineffable][@Alisdragon911] Clay chuckled to himself. One question pushing and over-riding all others. With a grin he replies. [color=a0410d][b]"It's really quite simple, it's coz you're in the nameless tavern."[/b][/color] And that was his know-all answer, his overall explanation for everything that befuddled her. [color=a0410d][b]"and you better get used to it and fast coz things are about to start gettin a whole lot weirder!"[/b][/color] He gives her a wink as he starts to casually undress. First his jacket and shirt, then his shoes and belt, lastly pants and socks. Left only in his underwear he gives the group a nod goodbye and eagerly runs off downstairs. [hr] [center][h2]Main tavern floor[/h2][/center] [the scarecrow invasion] Seeing the straw men form from the shadows, the little girl quickly ran to the open fireplace where she chucked in her new toy. It was no disrespect to the man who got it for her but simply a means to an end. Even though the creatures grew around her she never looked away, watching that little straw body ignite and burn, ensuring it all became ash. One particularly large straw creature looked down on her as it freed itself from what ever hell it escaped and walked past. It showed no other interest. Up ending tables and slicing through chairs it began chasing the disbelieving (npc) regulars around the room. The scarecrows varied in height and size, their agility was of a normal man, their strength beyond it. Each individual straw was as strong as bamboo and the jagged tips as sharp as iron. They were dangerous but not invincible as a large wolf that came bounding down the stairs proved. Just as a nightmarish scarecrow was about to strike an unsuspecting patron. The giant white wolf latched onto its forearm with its powerful jaw and brought the creature down to the floor with a heavy 'thud', where it proceeded to tug and tear at its arm until it ripped it right off. Unphased by its missing arm the scarecrow slowly stood to continue its onslaught. There were certain people that the scarecrows seemed to avoid. The little girl being one of them. They gave no explination for their choices but it had everything to do with the girls little rhyme.